In a joint statement, the presidents of Italy, Germany, and Austria called for a strong European Union in the face of anti-democratic threats and urged voters to turn out in large numbers for the European elections from June 6th to 9th. They emphasized the importance of defending democratic institutions, human rights, and the rule of law, as well as the value of freedom of the press, political opposition, and the separation of powers. With less than a month until the elections, they warned of the potential for far-right parties to make gains in several countries.

The post-fascist Fratelli d’Italia party in Italy, led by Giorgia Meloni, is leading in the polls with 27% of the vote. In Germany, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is in second place behind the conservatives, with around 15% of the vote, while the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) is also expected to make gains. Some parties, such as the AfD and the League in Italy, are criticized for their pro-China or pro-Russia sympathies. Matteo Salvini’s League, which is allied with the National Rally in the European Parliament, is also mentioned for its pro-Trump stance.

The presidents of Italy, Germany, and Austria stressed the importance of a strong European Union in defending freedom and democracy in an increasingly uncertain world. They believe that the liberal democratic order is closely linked to European unity and that a strong EU is necessary to protect freedom and democracy globally. They called on voters to participate in the elections to defend liberal institutions, the rule of law, foundational values, and common freedoms.

They concluded their statement by stating that by participating in the elections, they were standing up for liberal institutions, the rule of law, foundational values, and common freedoms. They emphasized the need for a strong European Union to uphold freedom, the dignity of every individual, respect for each state, and international law in a turbulent global environment. They warned against those who question fundamental democratic principles and called for a united Europe based on shared values and legal norms.

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