Legendary comedian Jerry Seinfeld faced backlash from dozens of students at Duke University during his commencement speech, with some walking out and chanting “free Palestine.” The student protesters staged the walkout as Seinfeld, who is Jewish and a vocal supporter of Israel, was introduced. Some students carried Palestinian flags as they left the stadium, while others chanted in support of the comedian as he took the stage to receive an honorary degree. Despite the disruption, Seinfeld delivered his speech without major interruptions, sharing his “three real keys to life” with the graduates.

Seinfeld opened his speech with jokes before imparting his advice to the graduates to work hard, pay attention, and fall in love. He emphasized the importance of making an effort in all aspects of life, regardless of the outcome, and encouraged a fearless approach to pursuing goals. The comedian’s speech focused on the idea that effort always has a positive value, even if it results in failure. Seinfeld’s message resonated with many of the attendees, who applauded his words and showed support for him during the ceremony.

In recent months, Seinfeld has been vocal in his support of Israel, particularly following Hamas terrorists’ attacks on residential areas in the country. He posted an “I Stand With Israel” image on his Instagram account shortly after the attacks, further solidifying his solidarity with the nation. Additionally, Seinfeld visited Israel with his family in December, where he reportedly had an emotional meeting with former hostages and representatives of families whose loved ones are still held captive in Gaza. His support for Israel has been consistent, leading to some controversy and protest during his public appearances.

The walkout at Duke University during Seinfeld’s commencement speech reflects the ongoing tensions surrounding the Israel-Palestine conflict, with some students using the platform to voice their dissent. Despite the disruption, Seinfeld remained composed and focused on delivering his message to the graduates. The incident highlights the complexities of supporting Israel in a politically charged environment, where public figures are often scrutinized for their beliefs and affiliations. Seinfeld’s unwavering support for Israel has drawn both criticism and praise, underscoring the challenges of navigating controversial topics in today’s society.

As the controversy surrounding Seinfeld’s speech at Duke University continues to unfold, it raises important questions about free speech, protest, and ideological diversity on college campuses. The walkout by students during a high-profile event like a commencement speech underscores the power of individual expression and the need for respectful dialogue on contentious issues. Seinfeld’s experience serves as a reminder of the risks and rewards of taking a public stance on politically charged topics, and the importance of engaging in constructive conversations to promote understanding and empathy. Ultimately, the aftermath of the walkout will likely spark further debate and reflection on the intersection of comedy, politics, and personal beliefs.

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