The NRW Police and Ministry of the Interior have conducted raids against supporters of the Hamas terrorist organization in Duisburg, targeting the group “Palästina Solidarität Duisburg” for alleged ties to Hamas. The group had been banned by the NRW Ministry of the Interior, prompting the police to search four buildings in Duisburg where leaders of the group were believed to reside. In a press conference, NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul stated that this action demonstrates the state’s ability to combat threats to democracy, highlighting that the line had been crossed. The group was known to openly support the armed struggle of Hamas against Israel, advocating for the elimination of Israel. Reul emphasized that the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic rhetoric propagated by the group went against the principles of freedom of association outlined in the German Constitution.

The police raided three apartment buildings in the northern part of the city and one near the university, targeting the residences of the leaders of “Palästina Solidarität Duisburg”. The goal was to seize assets, documents, and electronic storage devices related to the group. Reul mentioned that more than 50 officers were involved in the operation. The ban on the organization includes prohibiting any subsequent groups that may attempt to replace or continue the work of “Palästina Solidarität Duisburg”. Additionally, all symbols and signs associated with the group are now forbidden, including their websites and online communication channels. Reul stressed that while bans are not a complete solution to extremism, they are necessary tools to address individuals who promote hatred and violence in society. He expressed hope for similar actions against larger organizations that operate nationally.

The Ministry of the Interior characterized “Palästina Solidarität Duisburg” as a group focused on solidarity work for Palestinians, particularly in Duisburg and beyond. The organization’s goal is the liberation of Palestine within the borders of 1947 before the establishment of Israel, openly aligning themselves with the armed resistance of Hamas against Israel. Their ideology is marked by anti-Israel and anti-Semitic beliefs, which are disseminated through public meetings and social media platforms. The group consistently incites against Israel, blaming the country for the conflict in the Middle East. By spreading hate and violence, the group endangers the lives of Israeli citizens living in Germany as well as Jewish individuals. The Ministerium announced that their online presence would be shut down, and any attempts to form replacement organizations or use their symbols would be prohibited, with their assets confiscated for the benefit of NRW.

Reul affirmed that the state’s intervention against “Palästina Solidarität Duisburg” showcased the effectiveness of democratic mechanisms in confronting extremist threats. The decision to ban the group and seize its assets was based on evidence of their support for Hamas and their dissemination of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic rhetoric. Reul reiterated the importance of upholding democratic values while combatting ideologies that sow division and promote violence. He underlined the significance of preventing hate speech and intolerance in society, emphasizing that such actions are necessary to protect the principles of democracy. The raids in Duisburg signal a proactive approach by authorities in addressing radicalization and extremism, signaling a commitment to safeguarding the democratic fabric of society.

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