Dubai, a city known for its iconic landmarks and luxury tourism, is now shifting its focus to showcasing its authentic side and hidden gems. Issam Kazim, CEO of Dubai Tourism, acknowledged the city’s past reputation for lacking a “soul” due to an overemphasis on high-end luxury and famous landmarks. He emphasized the importance of highlighting the people and culture of Dubai to provide a more genuine and attractive tourism experience.

Kazim mentioned that Dubai initially relied on creating noise through landmark projects, such as 7-star hotels and man-made islands, to attract attention. However, he recognized that this approach may have overshadowed the real essence of the city. By shedding light on the people of Dubai and their stories, the city is now aiming to connect with visitors on a deeper level and give Dubai a sense of soul. Post-Covid, Dubai has generated positive momentum and gained recognition for reasons beyond its flashy attractions.

In the past, Dubai has often used celebrity endorsements in its tourism campaigns, with stars like Shah Rukh Khan, Zac Effron, and Jessica Alba promoting the city. While celebrity partnerships are still part of Dubai’s marketing strategy, Kazim highlighted the importance of authenticity in these collaborations. The focus now is on working with celebrities who genuinely love Dubai and can provide an organic experience, rather than just using star power for promotional purposes.

To showcase the real Dubai, Kazim and his team are shifting towards highlighting the city’s hidden gems, cultural districts, and local experiences. By showcasing the arts and culture scene, as well as the diversity of the country, Dubai aims to provide a more immersive and authentic experience for visitors. Moving away from relying solely on celebrities and influencers, Dubai is now emphasizing real people and families to share their stories and show why Dubai is home to them.

Breaking down barriers and changing perceptions about Dubai being solely a destination for luxury is a key focus for the city’s tourism efforts. While Dubai is known for its high-end offerings, Kazim mentioned that the city can also provide affordable luxury experiences. By showcasing a more diverse range of experiences, including cultural neighborhoods and local attractions, Dubai is striving to appeal to a wider range of tourists and offer a more well-rounded tourism experience.

Overall, Dubai is undergoing a transformation in its tourism approach, moving towards authenticity and highlighting the city’s genuine culture, people, and hidden gems. By shifting the focus towards real experiences, promoting cultural districts, and showcasing affordable luxury options, Dubai aims to attract visitors who are seeking a more meaningful and immersive travel experience. This shift in strategy reflects Dubai’s commitment to evolving as a tourist destination and creating a more soulful and holistic experience for visitors.

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