A residential street in The Bronx has become a regular spot for homeless heroin addicts who engage in illicit activities in broad daylight, right near the county courthouse and Borough President Vanessa Gibson’s office. Glass from broken bottles and syringes litter the sidewalks, along with drug baggies, used condoms, and other debris. Residents of the area are frustrated with the situation, as they witness drug use, public masturbation, and other inappropriate behavior on a daily basis.

The neighborhood is described as “barbaric” by a resident who has been living in the area since 2012. Graffiti covers the park stairs, and the sidewalks are covered in feces and urine. Despite residents’ attempts to report the situation to city authorities, including the police and sanitation department, the issue remains unresolved. Drug paraphernalia and evidence of drug use, such as discarded needles and vials of blood, continue to pose a threat to public safety, especially to children and pets in the area.

One resident recalls a terrifying incident where a junkie was filmed masturbating next to a woman’s parked car, trapping her inside with fear. Others have witnessed couples engaging in sexual activities in the park, further highlighting the dire state of the neighborhood. The peaceful atmosphere of the street prior to the pandemic has been disrupted by the increasing presence of drug addicts and their destructive behavior. Residents express frustration at the lack of action taken by city officials to address the escalating situation.

Despite efforts by city agencies such as the Parks Department and the Sanitation Department to clean up the area and safely dispose of hazardous materials, the problems persist. Residents have reached out to Borough President Vanessa Gibson’s office and Community Board 4 for assistance, but have not seen any significant changes. Gibson acknowledges the concerns raised by residents and asserts that the safety and quality of life of the community are a priority for city officials.

Residents are disheartened by the lack of effective response from authorities and feel ignored and unsafe in their own neighborhood. The police precinct in the area has allegedly advised residents to “not look at” the ongoing issues, leaving many feeling disillusioned. As homeless drug addicts continue to frequent the area, engaging in dangerous and inappropriate behavior, residents are left to navigate a precarious and unsettling environment. Without significant changes and increased support from city officials and law enforcement, the situation on the residential street in The Bronx remains dire and unresolved.

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