The Traffic Inspection Branch Directorate of the Provincial Police Department initiated an investigation after video footage of a driver drifting on Şelale Street surfaced on social media. The driver of the vehicle, identified by license plate information as T.B., was taken into custody by the police. The driver was fined a total of 56,492 Turkish Lira for offenses such as “drifting,” “using license plates that do not meet regulations,” “driving with a temporarily revoked driver’s license,” “excessive exhaust,” “tinted windows,” and “throwing objects from the vehicle.” In addition, T.B.’s driver’s license was temporarily revoked until 2042.

It was also discovered that T.B. had been cited 7 times in the past 5 years for driving under the influence of alcohol, resulting in his driver’s license being temporarily revoked until 2042. The vehicle used by the driver for drifting was banned from traffic for 60 days. T.B. was handed over to the Bahçeşehir Police Station for further legal action on the grounds that he intentionally endangered traffic safety. The authorities are taking a strict stance against reckless driving and violations of traffic regulations to ensure the safety of all road users.

This incident serves as a reminder of the dangers of reckless driving and the importance of following traffic laws and regulations. Driving under the influence of alcohol, drifting, and other dangerous behaviors not only endanger the driver but also pose a threat to other road users. The significant fine imposed on the driver and the temporary revocation of his driver’s license until 2042 highlight the seriousness of these offenses and aim to deter others from engaging in similar reckless behaviors.

The swift response from the Traffic Inspection Branch Directorate of the Provincial Police Department demonstrates their commitment to enforcing traffic regulations and ensuring road safety. By promptly identifying and apprehending the driver responsible for the reckless behavior, the authorities are sending a clear message that such actions will not be tolerated. The measures taken to penalize the driver and temporarily ban his vehicle from traffic serve as a deterrent to others who may consider engaging in similar dangerous activities.

It is important for all drivers to prioritize safety on the road and adhere to traffic laws to prevent accidents and protect lives. Reckless driving behaviors, such as drifting, not only put the driver at risk but also endanger the lives of pedestrians and other motorists. The authorities are working diligently to address such violations and hold offenders accountable for their actions. By cracking down on reckless driving, the police aim to create a safer environment for everyone on the roads.

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