Drew Barrymore has confirmed that a sequel to the 1996 sports comedy film, Happy Gilmore, is in the works. The child actress-turned talk show host was excited to hear that her co-star, Adam Sandler, had written a new screenplay for the film. Upon hearing a hint from Christopher McDonald, who played Shooter McGavin in the original film, Drew reached out to Adam Sandler to find out if the sequel was indeed happening. She shared her excitement on her talk show, expressing her eagerness for the sequel.
During an interview on The Ken Carman Show with Anthony Lima, Christopher McDonald revealed that Adam Sandler had shown him a first draft of the Happy Gilmore 2 script. McDonald shared that Sandler had unexpectedly shown him the draft and expressed his excitement for the potential sequel. He also mentioned that fans have been demanding the sequel for a long time, indicating that there is a lot of anticipation surrounding the project. The news has generated excitement among fans of the original film, who are eagerly awaiting updates on the progress of the sequel.
Happy Gilmore follows the story of Adam Sandler’s character, who discovers his talent for golf in a bid to raise money to save his grandmother’s house. After learning that he has a talent for driving a golf ball over 400 feet, he competes in a tournament and joins the PGA tour. Throughout the film, he faces off against Shooter McGavin, played by Christopher McDonald, who sees him as a threat to the sport. The film also features memorable performances from Julie Bowen, Carl Weathers, and Bob Barker, making it a fan favorite among audiences.
The original Happy Gilmore film was a modest success, earning $41.2 million worldwide from a $12 million budget. Despite its initial reception, the film gained a cult following on home video, with fans appreciating its humor and unique take on the sports comedy genre. The film’s enduring popularity has led to calls for a sequel for many years, and the recent confirmation from Drew Barrymore and Christopher McDonald has reignited interest in the project. Fans are eagerly awaiting further updates on the progress of Happy Gilmore 2.
With the news of a sequel to Happy Gilmore in the works, fans of the original film are excited to see what Adam Sandler and the rest of the team have in store for the new installment. The potential for a continuation of the beloved story and characters has generated buzz and anticipation among audiences. As more details about the project emerge, fans will be eager to learn about the cast, plot, and release date for Happy Gilmore 2. The confirmation of the sequel has brought a renewed sense of excitement and nostalgia to fans of the 1996 sports comedy, who are looking forward to seeing what the future holds for their favorite characters.