Ontario Premier Doug Ford recently increased the size of his cabinet to 37 ministers and associate ministers, setting a new record for the province’s largest cabinet. This reshuffle came after Todd Smith resigned as Minister of Education, leading to Jill Dunlop taking his place and other ministers being shifted around. Ford stated that the government remains focused on rebuilding the economy and protecting public safety while delivering better jobs and opportunities for Ontario residents. The premier praised the leadership of the new cabinet members and their dedication to serving the people of Ontario. However, critics have expressed concerns that the cabinet expansion benefits the party rather than the residents of the province.

Opposition leaders and critics have raised issues about the sudden increase in the size of the cabinet, questioning the motives behind Ford’s decision. Ontario NDP Leader Marit Stiles criticized Ford for creating new positions and providing hefty raises to his party members while not prioritizing the interests of the people. The salaries of MPPs vary based on their responsibilities within the cabinet, with additional roles receiving higher compensation. Despite the criticism, Ford has continued to appoint more ministers and parliamentary assistants, leading to a larger and more expensive cabinet.

There is speculation that the province may be heading towards an early election, with Ford not ruling out the possibility during an event in May. Opposition parties have begun nominating candidates, and Progressive Conservatives have initiated attack ads against Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie. Despite campaigning on fiscal responsibility and infrastructure projects, Ford has faced scrutiny for overspending public money. Reports have shown that the premier’s office has become the most expensive in the province’s history, with a significant increase in the number of staff earning over $100,000 per year.

The Premier’s office has faced criticism for its escalating costs and the growing number of staff earning high salaries, leading to concerns about misuse of public funds. The increase in expenses has raised questions about Ford’s management of the government’s budget and priorities, particularly at a time when the province is facing various challenges. The opposition continues to voice their concerns about the government’s focus on party interests rather than the wellbeing of Ontarians. The ongoing reshuffles and cabinet expansions have been viewed negatively by critics who believe that the government should prioritize the needs of the people over political considerations. Ultimately, the decisions made by Ford and his administration will continue to be scrutinized as the province moves forward.

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