Nuno Fernandes, President of American Public University System (APUS), is focusing on making online higher education more affordable and accessible. In a rapidly changing world where technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI), is transforming various sectors, there is an urgent need for transformation in higher education. Despite significant advancements in other areas, the teaching process has remained largely unchanged over the past 1,000 years. Incorporating the power of technology and AI into higher education is essential to meet the evolving needs of students.

The key mission of education is to provide high-quality learning experiences to students as they prepare for their future endeavors. While technology can never replace the human element of teaching, it has the potential to enhance and expand the reach and impact of education. American Public University System, with approximately 90,000 students, offers over 200 affordable programs and collaborates with over 150 business partners to provide re-training and reskilling opportunities. The university embraces technology and encourages students to utilize its power while preparing for a future where AI could potentially create customized learning experiences for each student.

Nuno Fernandes believes that pressure from the labor market will be a significant driver of transformation in higher education. With careers becoming shorter and professionals needing to continuously educate and retrain themselves, universities must adapt to meet the changing needs of the job market. A shift in the recognition and payment for different types of education and competencies will lead to disruption in higher education, creating new opportunities for those who can address these needs through education. Academic leaders must be open about AI, ensure agile leadership, and start with pilot programs before fully adopting new technologies to stay ahead of the curve.

As the world of higher education undergoes rapid transformation, it is crucial for academic leaders to be proactive in embracing change. By discussing the possibilities and challenges of AI, fostering innovative leadership, and implementing pilot programs to test new technologies, universities can prepare for the future of education. By imagining education in new ways and staying ahead of the curve, institutions can ensure relevance and success in a rapidly changing world. Embracing progress today will help universities thrive in tomorrow’s educational landscape.

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