Former President Donald Trump has shifted his stance on Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, thanking him in a social media post for his help and support in Georgia, contrary to his previous blistering attacks against the governor. Trump had criticized Kemp for his handling of the 2020 election results and had called him disloyal and average. However, Kemp expressed his continued support for Trump on Fox News, stating that they need to send Trump back to the White House and that he will work with him 100%. This could be crucial for Georgia’s electoral votes in the upcoming election, as Kamala Harris’ campaign is putting the state back on a path for a close race.

Kemp’s support for Trump could go a long way in reaching out to moderate and conservative voters who have backed Kemp. Despite Trump’s previous attacks, Kemp has never wavered in his support for the Republican ticket and has reiterated the importance of winning from the top of the ticket down. Kemp’s national profile as vice chair of the Republican Governors Association indicates that he may have political ambitions beyond the governorship, possibly eyeing a run for the Senate or even a presidential bid in the future. However, abandoning Trump completely could complicate Kemp’s chances in the Republican Party, which is now firmly under Trump’s influence.

The relationship between Kemp and Trump has been strained, with differences dating back to when Kemp appointed Kelly Loeffler to the U.S. Senate over Trump’s preferred choice. Trump also criticized Kemp’s handling of the pandemic, leading to further disagreements between the two. The rift escalated when Kemp refused to intervene in the 2020 election results, leading to Trump recruiting David Perdue to challenge Kemp in the 2022 GOP primary, which Kemp decisively won. Moving forward, Kemp is focused on uniting Republicans and appealing to voters on economic issues rather than dwelling on past grievances.

Some Republicans have been trying to reconcile the feud between Kemp and Trump, with party chairman Josh McKoon emphasizing Kemp’s support for Trump. Former Senator Loeffler, a notable Republican donor, also issued a statement in support of both Trump and Kemp, highlighting the need to save the country from what she termed as Kamala Harris’ communist takeover. The shifting dynamics between Trump and Kemp could play a significant role in the upcoming election in Georgia, with both aiming to secure Republican votes and unite the party against Democratic nominees. Trump’s change in tone towards Kemp indicates a possible rekindling of their relationship for the greater interests of the Republican Party.

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