Cancer patients and physicians came together to organize the “Pedalling for Lymphoma” event in honor of World Lymphoma Awareness Day on September 15th. Participants gathered at AOÇ Gazi Park and rode their bicycles to the Ankara Oncology Education and Research Hospital as part of the event.

During the event, Prof. Dr. Fevzi Altuntaş, the Chief Physician of the Ankara Oncology Education and Research Hospital, stated in his speech that early diagnosis of lymphoma is possible and it is a treatable disease. Altuntaş emphasized that with the control of risk factors such as obesity, smoking, alcohol, and inactivity, the disease can be prevented.

Highlighting the symptoms of lymphoma, Chief Physician Altuntaş advised individuals to consult their doctor if they experience high fever over 38°C, weight loss of more than 10% in the last 6 months, night sweats, swollen nodes in the armpits, neck, and groin, fatigue, or itching. He stressed the importance of early diagnosis, stating that some types of lymphoma can be completely eradicated with up to 95% success in the early stages.

Altuntaş also emphasized the need for clinical trials for new treatment methods in lymphoma. He encouraged patients to volunteer for clinical research studies to advance the understanding and treatment of the disease.

In conclusion, the Chief Physician of the Ankara Oncology Education and Research Hospital highlighted the importance of raising awareness about lymphoma and taking necessary precautions to prevent the disease. The message of the day was “be aware, take risks”. Altuntaş urged lymphoma patients to adhere to their treatment regimens to ensure maximum effectiveness and emphasized the potential for successful outcomes with prompt and proper treatment.

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