The second paragraph talks about how the Bavarian justice has launched an investigation into an unnamed national deputy from the AfD party for suspicions of corruption and money laundering. This deputy is believed to be Petr Bystron, the number two on the party’s list for the European elections. The investigation involved 11 prosecutors and around 70 police officers, who seized documents and digital data. Bystron is suspected of receiving bribes through the pro-Russian propaganda media platform Voice of Europe, where he has made several appearances.

In March, Czech authorities imposed sanctions on the Prague-based Voice of Europe platform, suspecting it of being a tool for Russian propaganda and secretly providing financial support to elected officials. Prague believes the platform was used to denounce Western military support to Ukraine in the face of Moscow’s war and provide financial backing to certain politicians. According to Der Spiegel magazine, Petr Bystron and the AfD’s European elections lead candidate, Maximilian Krah, may have benefited from this support, although both have denied these accusations. The EU member states decided to ban the dissemination of Voice of Europe on Wednesday.

Additionally, a former collaborator of Maximilian Krah in the European Parliament is suspected of sharing information about the institution with a Chinese intelligence service. This further highlights the concerns surrounding potential foreign influence and espionage within European political circles. The investigation into these allegations is ongoing and may have implications for both the AfD party and their involvement in the European Parliament. It also raises questions about the extent of foreign interference in European politics and the potential risks associated with it.

The actions taken by the Bavarian justice system and the EU member states reflect a growing concern over potential corruption, money laundering, and foreign interference in European political affairs. The investigations into Petr Bystron, Maximilian Krah, and their alleged ties to the Voice of Europe platform highlight the need for transparency and accountability within political spheres. The accusations and denials from the individuals involved raise questions about the integrity of the AfD party and their candidates in the European elections. It also underscores the importance of safeguarding European institutions from external influences that may compromise their integrity.

Overall, the investigations into Petr Bystron, Maximilian Krah, and their alleged connections to illicit activities and foreign influence demonstrate the complexities and challenges facing European politics. The suspicions of corruption, money laundering, and collusion with foreign actors underscore the need for robust oversight and accountability measures within political institutions. The ongoing investigations will likely have far-reaching implications for the individuals involved, the AfD party, and the European political landscape as a whole. As accusations are made and denied, it remains essential for authorities to conduct thorough investigations and uphold the principles of democracy and rule of law in order to maintain the integrity of European political systems.

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