Despite facing difficulties in their marriage, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are still wearing their wedding rings, as seen in recent photos. Sources have revealed that the couple has been experiencing issues for a few months, with Lopez focusing on her work commitments and Affleck on a different page than her. The status of their relationship came into question when they were not seen together for 47 days, attending separate events. However, they were spotted together at a family event on May 16.

Sources have also mentioned that Lopez has been looking at homes in Los Angeles, while Affleck is not staying in their shared house. Despite this, they are not looking to separate anytime soon. Lopez and Affleck first dated in the early 2000s before breaking up in 2004. They reunited nearly 20 years later and got married in July 2022, showing that their relationship has had its ups and downs over the years.

The couple has been photographed wearing their wedding rings on various occasions. Affleck was seen wearing his ring as early as April 20 during an outing in Los Angeles. He was spotted with the ring on his left hand, even while running across the street and going for a coffee run. Similarly, Lopez was photographed with her wedding band on May 16 when she entered an L.A. studio. Despite keeping quiet about her love life when questioned by photographers, she was seen wearing her ring.

The public visibility of their wedding rings has sparked speculation about the state of their marriage. Lopez and Affleck have been facing challenges as she focuses on work and he is on a different page, leading to them not being seen together for an extended period. This has raised eyebrows among fans and the media, especially given their high-profile relationship and past history. However, the couple’s decision to continue wearing their rings suggests that they are still committed to making their marriage work despite the obstacles they are currently facing.

As they navigate through their marital struggles, Lopez and Affleck continue to prioritize their relationship and show their commitment through their actions. Despite spending time apart and attending separate events, they have still been seen wearing their wedding rings, indicating that they are still a united front. Their ability to weather the storm together and maintain their bond has been evident in recent photos and reports, reflecting their dedication to each other even during challenging times. Their decision to keep their rings on serves as a sign of their enduring love and resilience in the face of adversity in their marriage.

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