Visitors who wanted to see the historical heritage sites and cultural values in Diyarbakır flocked to the city from all over the country during the holiday. The historical walls listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List, the Inner Castle Museum Complex, the historical Grand Mosque, Ongözlü Bridge, restored churches, Hasanpaşa Han, and bazaars were filled with tourists.

With the high demand, the city’s 101 hotels, with a total capacity of 7,020 beds and 3,500 rooms, 36 of which are tourism certified, reached full occupancy at 100 percent. Visitors who couldn’t find a place in hotels in the city center stayed in hotels in the districts.

Businesses that sell traditional dishes such as liver kebab and kadayıf also welcomed a large number of visitors. Due to the crowds, long lines occasionally formed at these establishments.

The unexpected influx of visitors brought joy to both the tourism sector and the local shop owners. President of the Diyarbakır Hoteliers and Tourism Association Deniz Güler expressed his happiness about the high demand during the Ramadan holiday.

TÜRSAB Mesopotamia Regional Board Chairman Serdar Baturay also noted that they experienced higher than expected crowds during the holiday. The number of visitors significantly increased compared to previous holidays, reaching a point where the city was bustling with people.

Diyarbakır Museum Deputy Director Müjdat Gizligöl mentioned that the museum’s visitor numbers have risen dramatically over the years. He reported that during the 3-day Ramadan holiday, the museum received 7,416 visitors, breaking all-time visitor records.

The Zerzevan Castle, an important tourism attraction in the city, which was used as a military settlement during the Roman Empire, also hosted thousands of visitors. Excavation Director Prof. Dr. Aytaç Coşkun revealed that 22,447 people visited the historical castle during the holiday. Plans are underway to construct a new visitor center at the site to accommodate more visitors in the future.

Local businesses also thrived during the holiday season. Shop owner Şeyhmus Alto, who produces and sells desserts in Diyarbakır’s Sur district, noted a significant increase in demand compared to the previous holiday season. The demand for sweets increased from both neighboring cities and foreign visitors, bringing satisfaction to all local businesses.

Diyarbakır Chamber of Restaurant, Kebab, and Dessert Makers President Haşim Elkaan reported that 24 tons of liver were consumed during this year’s holiday season, doubling the consumption from the previous year. The increase in visitors to Diyarbakır and the opportunity to offer double the amount of liver kebab brought joy to the local hospitality industry.

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