In a debate between Representative Jamaal Bowman and his party rival George Latimer in New York, tensions over the war in Gaza and American military aid to Israel flared. Bowman, in danger of losing his seat in a primary next month, reiterated support for a two-state solution and condemned antisemitism to try to gain back Jewish support. However, friction arose when the debate turned to the influence of the pro-Israel lobby, AIPAC, which has pledged to defeat Bowman and other left-wing members of Congress. Bowman accused Latimer of being controlled by AIPAC’s funders, leading to a heated exchange.

The race between Bowman and Latimer has exposed deeper divisions within the Democratic Party over race, class, and ideology. The district they are vying to represent is diverse, with a substantial Jewish population, but also a significant Black and Latino community. Bowman, a newcomer to politics, has established himself as a champion of working-class and left-leaning residents, while Latimer is a more traditional liberal figure with strong ties to the Democratic establishment. The primary election is shaping up to be a closely watched contest, with no clear frontrunner as of yet.

The candidates found some common ground on issues like affordable housing, immigration, and support for President Biden. However, their differences, especially on the topic of Israel, dominated the debate. Bowman has taken a more critical stance towards Israel, questioning the use of American tax dollars for Israeli weapons and advocating for a free Palestine. He has faced backlash for his views, but has gained support within the Democratic Party. Latimer, while defending Israel, avoided taking strong positions on specific issues related to the conflict and deferred to the Biden administration for guidance.

The debate highlighted the complexities of addressing the Israel-Palestine conflict within the Democratic Party. While both candidates expressed support for a peaceful resolution, they differed in their approach and rhetoric. Bowman’s outspoken criticism of Israeli actions has drawn both support and criticism, while Latimer’s more cautious approach reflects a desire to align with the party mainstream. The outcome of the primary election will not only determine the future representative of the district, but also reveal the shifting dynamics within the Democratic Party on foreign policy and the Middle East conflict.

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