The new details released by the Queens district attorney shed light on the events leading up to the fatal shooting of Detective Jonathan Diller. A police officer observed the accused, Guy Rivera, carrying what appeared to be a gun in the front pocket of his sweatshirt before the confrontation. When Detective Diller and other officers approached the vehicle Mr. Rivera entered, he shot Detective Diller in the stomach at close range, leading to his death. Mr. Rivera has been charged with first-degree murder, as well as attempted murder for aiming his gun at another police officer.

The officers had initially approached Mr. Rivera and the driver, Lindy Jones, because their vehicle was illegally parked at a bus stop. However, new details suggest that the presence of the gun on Mr. Rivera may have been the reason behind the officers’ approach. In addition to the murder charges, Mr. Rivera and Mr. Jones were charged with weapons possession after a second gun was found in the car during the investigation. The incident has sent shock waves throughout the city, with Detective Diller’s funeral drawing thousands of people, including law enforcement officials, Governor Kathy Hochul, Mayor Eric Adams, and former President Donald J. Trump.

The fatal shooting of Detective Diller occurred on Mott Avenue in Far Rockaway, with Mr. Rivera shooting him through the car window below his protective vest. He then attempted to fire at a sergeant, Sasha Rosen, but his gun jammed, preventing another round from being fired. Detective Diller’s partner, Officer Veckash Khedna, returned fire, shooting Mr. Rivera in the back. Detective Diller succumbed to his injuries at Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, while Mr. Rivera was arraigned from the same hospital where he was being treated for his injuries.

A search of the vehicle revealed a loaded 9-millimeter pistol in the glove compartment, leading to additional charges against the suspects. Mr. Jones, who was also in the car at the time of the incident, had a previous gun charge and a criminal record that included first-degree robbery and attempted murder. The crime has sparked outrage and sorrow among the law enforcement community and the city as a whole, with officials vowing to bring justice for Detective Diller and his family.

The details released by the district attorney provide a clearer picture of the events surrounding Detective Diller’s tragic death and the circumstances leading up to the fatal shooting. The presence of a gun on Mr. Rivera, who has a history of criminal activity, raises questions about the need for heightened vigilance and safety protocols for law enforcement officers. The city mourns the loss of Detective Diller, a dedicated officer who gave his life in the line of duty, while the investigation into the incident continues to unfold, seeking to bring closure and justice for all those affected by this tragedy.

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