Sergey Buchin, Founder and CEO of IRBISIO Cleantech Investment Fund, believes that there is a negative perception surrounding the green agenda due to misunderstandings and insufficient communication of government decisions affecting everyday life. Despite this, financial forecasts predict the cleantech sector to be promising and sustainable, both environmentally and economically. As leaders in the industry, there is a need to bridge the understanding gap between the green agenda and cleantech, especially in infrastructure projects, using intellect and creativity as effective tools.

Buchin emphasizes the importance of viewing infrastructure changes from the perspective of residents. For example, in Monaco, the closure of an outdoor ice rink in 2023 to address the energy crisis frustrated citizens who enjoyed traditional winter activities with their families. Similarly, transitioning urban heating plants in the European Union to cleaner energy sources, such as biomass or geothermal energy, can improve air quality for residents. To address resistance to change, advocates of clean energy must clearly communicate the benefits to those affected by the transition.

The use of complex language in communications between the cleantech and green energy sectors contributes to PR issues and confusion among the general public. Buchin stresses the need for a clear distinction between the two, focusing on solutions rather than dwelling on negative aspects. For instance, waste management in the green energy sector poses environmental and logistical challenges, but advancements in recycling technology showcased by projects like the EU’s Horizon 2020 offer potential solutions. Advocating for strict regulations, incentives, and economies of scale for recycling can encourage the industry to adopt more sustainable practices.

Appealing to investors with short-term projects is essential, especially considering the European Environmental Agency’s estimate of the need for €92 billion in infrastructure investments from 2023 to 2030. Buchin suggests that short-term projects focusing on boosting energy efficiency can provide investors with a reliable internal rate of return and cash flows. By engaging people and investors in creative ways, he remains optimistic that the industry can meet its goals and lead to better, healthier, and more sustainable lives.

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