The use of Disney’s Disability Access Services program has seen a significant increase in the last five years, leading to suspicions of abuse by some park-goers. Shannon McEvoy, a Florida-based travel agent who specializes in booking vacations for individuals with disabilities, has noticed healthy individuals trying to obtain DAS passes without a legitimate need. This has prompted Disney to implement changes to the program, including hiring additional staff, working with health professionals to determine eligibility, and limiting party sizes for pass holders.

While the DAS program is intended to accommodate a small percentage of park-goers with developmental disabilities who are unable to wait in line, concerns have been raised about potential misuse of the system. Some individuals worry that stricter enforcement of eligibility criteria could prevent those with legitimate health issues from receiving passes. However, Disney maintains that individuals with disabilities will still be accommodated, but not all accessibility services will be available to every person with a disability.

Sydney C., a frequent Disneyland and Disney World guest who suffers from PTSD and ADHD, appreciates the extension of the verification validation process to 120 days, which reduces anxiety for individuals with disabilities who have to continually apply. However, she is concerned about the reduction in the number of people allowed to accompany a DAS passholder in line. Disney states that immediate family members will still be accommodated, but the reduction is aimed at limiting non-nuclear family members and friends in line.

Lauren Rosenberg, a mother who traveled to Disney World with her daughter Sophie, who has juvenile idiopathic arthritis, highlights the importance of the DAS pass for individuals with disabilities. Sophie’s condition requires her to rest frequently, making it difficult to wait in line for attractions. Any changes to Sophie’s eligibility for the DAS pass could impact their future visits to Disney parks. Overall, families like the Rosenbergs rely on the DAS program to create magical moments for their loved ones who have disabilities.

In response to concerns about potential abuse of the DAS program, Disney is cracking down on false claims by enforcing a policy that includes a permanent ban from Disneyland and Disney World for individuals caught abusing the system. The company is also working to communicate changes to the program more effectively to avoid confusion among park-goers. While some adjustments to the DAS program have sparked controversy, many families and individuals with disabilities continue to rely on the program to access and enjoy Disney’s theme parks.

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