Young Latino voters in states like Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Georgia have the potential to sway the 2024 presidential election, with nearly 40% of newly eligible voters in the West being Latinos. While young voters typically lean towards Democratic candidates, there is a sense of disillusionment among college students, many of whom source their news from TikTok. Issues like climate change, the Israel-Hamas war, rising costs of living, immigration, and abortion were highlighted as key concerns.

Despite Democrats’ strong reliance on young Latino support in previous elections, there is a growing sense of apathy among this demographic. Many students expressed dissatisfaction with both major party candidates and a desire for more viable third-party options. Concerns related to the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict and lack of affordable housing are also prominent among these potential young voters, with their disillusionment stemming partly from a lack of substantial action on these issues by current political leaders.

In Georgia, for example, Dalton State College students are particularly concerned about the Israel-Hamas war and the lack of affordable housing options. The college, located in Whitfield County, boasts a significant Hispanic population that could be pivotal in upcoming elections. Issues like immigration enforcement and deportation also hit close to home for many young Latinos, who often have undocumented family members and fear a return to harsh anti-immigrant policies.

The abortion issue has also emerged as a mobilizing factor for young Latino voters, with a strong majority supporting abortion rights. However, the complexity of this issue and the different viewpoints within the community present a challenge for Democrats looking to rally support. With a tight race anticipated in pivotal swing states, such as Arizona and Pennsylvania, the engagement of young Latino voters will be crucial in determining the outcome of the 2024 election.

While efforts to engage young Latino voters have increased in the lead-up to the election, challenges remain in capturing their attention and mobilizing them to vote. Issues like climate change, immigration, abortion, and the Israel-Gaza conflict are key concerns for this demographic, but a sense of disillusionment with the political system and lack of viable options could dampen voter turnout. Ultimately, the outcome of the 2024 presidential election may hinge on the engagement of young Latino voters in key battleground states.

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