Saarland AfD member of parliament expelled from church committee by Trier diocese

Saarland AfD Member of Parliament Christoph Schaufert has been removed from his position in the administration council of St. Marien Parish in Neunkirchen by the Trier Diocese. The Diocese deemed Schaufert’s membership incompatible with his involvement in the AfD, stating that he was damaging the reputation of the community. This decision was also influenced by a statement made by the German bishops in February 2024 declaring that “nationalistic nationalism and Christianity are incompatible.”

The question of how churches should deal with AfD representatives has been raised, and the Trier Diocese has decided to dismiss Saarland AfD Member of Parliament Christoph Schaufert from his position in a church committee in Neunkirchen. General Vicar Ulrich von Plettenberg cited the statement by German bishops as the primary reason for his decision, emphasizing that parties that are right-wing extremist or bordering on this ideology cannot be a place for political activity for Christians. Schaufert, who has been a member of the AfD since 2016 and serves as the deputy faction leader in the Saarland state parliament, holds several positions within the party at the municipal level.

The administration council and the parish council of St. Marien Parish requested von Plettenberg to consider the exclusion of Schaufert at the end of February, arguing that he holds a high-ranking position in the AfD and has not publicly distanced himself from extremist positions. Von Plettenberg stressed the importance of alignment between the individual’s public positions and those within the church to maintain the credibility of the church. He stated that individuals representing a party that defames people based on their origin, religion, or culture, or denies them the right to a fair asylum system, are no longer acceptable for church duties or volunteer positions.

Schaufert expressed disappointment in von Plettenberg’s decision, stating that nothing personally incriminating was found against him. He maintained that he kept his political roles separate from his position in the church and did not use the church office as a political platform. Schaufert criticized his dismissal as being solely based on his affiliation with the AfD. St. Marien Parish expressed regret over the lack of alternative solutions in this case, emphasizing that the issue was with activities outside the church community that were incompatible with leadership roles within the church. Schaufert has the option to appeal the decision to Trier Bishop Stephan Ackermann.

In response to the decision, Schaufert affirmed his commitment to his roles and functions within the AfD and reiterated his refusal to distance himself from various positions. Von Plettenberg concluded that there was no longer a basis of trust for further collaboration with Schaufert, leading to his removal from the church committee. The parish stated that it was not a personal issue but rather a matter of incompatible activities outside the church. Schaufert has the option to appeal the decision to Trier Bishop Stephan Ackermann if he chooses to do so.

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