Sofia Coppola recently collaborated with Augustinus Bader on a tinted lip balm, despite typically keeping her love for beauty products private. The two held a celebration in the West Village, where guests like Molly Shannon and Grace Coddington enjoyed a cozy and elegant evening. The event featured dreamy florals inspired by the lip shades and was an opportunity for Coppola to showcase her creativity, having spent years mixing balms and lipsticks to create new colors.

Coppola’s collaboration with Augustinus Bader was a personal request from her, rather than part of an elaborate corporate plan. She trusted the brand with her idea and believed that if she wanted something, others would as well. The feedback on the tinted balms has been positive, with many comparing them to her films in their sheer and dreamy qualities. The event was a success, with Coppola expressing her happiness at the mix of personalities in attendance, like Molly Shannon and John Currin engaging in lively conversation.

The Tinted Balm collaboration with Augustinus Bader is now available for purchase, showcasing Coppola’s passion for beauty products and her commitment to creating something she personally enjoys. The event was a celebration of something as universal as a lip balm, bringing together friends and industry professionals in a festive setting. Coppola’s creativity and trust in the brand are evident in the success of the collaboration and the positive response to the products.

Augustinus Bader co-founder Charles Rosier recognized Coppola’s creativity and vision in creating the tinted balms, which have been well-received by those in attendance and the wider audience. The event was a reflection of Coppola’s background in art and her love for mixing colors, a skill she has applied to creating the perfect lip shades. With the launch of The Tinted Balm, Coppola has successfully merged her love for beauty products with her creative talents, resulting in a product that is both innovative and appealing to a wide audience.

The atmosphere of the event, described by Coppola as “fancy and cozy,” was enhanced by the presence of guests like Molly Shannon, John Currin, and Grace Coddington, who enjoyed the evening surrounded by dreamy florals and delicious food. Coppola’s attention to detail and desire for the perfect tinted lip balm were evident in the carefully curated experience, which included Fuji photos, laughter, and engaging conversations. The celebration was a testament to Coppola’s passion for beauty and her ability to bring people together through a shared love of luxury and creativity.

Overall, the collaboration between Sofia Coppola and Augustinus Bader on The Tinted Balm was a success, with the event serving as a platform to showcase Coppola’s creativity and passion for beauty products. The positive feedback and enthusiastic response to the products highlight Coppola’s talent for creating something unique and appealing to a wide audience. The event was a reflection of Coppola’s artistic background and her ability to blend her love for beauty products with her creative vision, resulting in a collaboration that is both personal and universally appealing.

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