A vulnerable Nevada Democrat, Senator Jacky Rosen, has been touting her bipartisanship and willingness to go against the Democratic Party in her campaign. In a recent ad, Rosen emphasized her commitment to doing what is best for Nevada and not necessarily following party lines. However, Republicans have been quick to point out Rosen’s voting record, which shows a different story. Despite her claims of bipartisanship, Rosen was revealed to have voted with President Biden 98.6% of the time last year, raising concerns about her alignment with the Democratic party and its leadership.

Analysis from FiveThirtyEight showed that both Rosen and fellow Democratic Senator Catherine Cortez Masto have been in virtual lockstep with President Biden and the Democratic Party on numerous issues. Rosen’s voting record with Biden has increased during her time in the Senate, with a previous analysis showing that she sided with him 92.5% of the time in the 117th Congress. In the current 118th Congress, Rosen has voted with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer 95% of the time, further highlighting her alignment with Democratic leadership on key votes.

Republicans have criticized Rosen’s claims of bipartisanship, with the National Republican Senatorial Committee spokesperson accusing her of lying to Nevada voters about her voting record. Republican Senate candidates have also spoken out against Rosen, labeling her as a rubber stamp for Biden and Schumer’s agenda. The GOP has painted Rosen as an extreme Democrat who prioritizes party politics over the needs of Nevadans, further questioning her bipartisan image in light of her voting history.

Rosen’s campaign has pushed back against the Republican criticisms, highlighting rankings that show her as one of the most bipartisan and effective senators in the nation. Various analyses of the 117th Congress have ranked Rosen highly in terms of bipartisanship and effectiveness, including recognition from institutions such as Georgetown University and the University of Virginia. A CQ Roll Call analysis of votes in 2023 also showed Rosen as the Senate Democrat who voted against her party third-most often, supporting her claim of political independence and willingness to put partisanship aside for the benefit of her state.

Despite the back and forth between Rosen and her Republican opponents, the nonpartisan election analyst Cook Political Report recently shifted its rating for the Nevada Senate race from “Lean Democrat” to “Toss Up.” This change indicates that the race is becoming more competitive, with only a few other contests being classified as a toss-up. With the election approaching, both Democrats and Republicans will continue to vie for support from Nevada voters, with Rosen’s bipartisanship and voting record likely to be central issues in the campaign.

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