Portraitist Michael Deas is known for his work on postage stamps, creating iconic images that are seen by millions of people every day. Despite the rising cost of postage in the U.S., the Postal Service notes that sending first-class mail is still quite affordable compared to other countries. The cost of a stamp in the U.S. has risen 26% over a five-year period, from 36 cents to 50 cents, making it one of the cheapest options among 30 countries. When adjusted for purchasing power parity, U.S. stamps are the least expensive, with Italians paying $4.48 for a single first-class stamp as of June 2023.

In a listing of 30 countries, the U.S. Postal Service ranks fifth in terms of postage costs, with the agency reporting that the cost of stamps in the U.S. has increased less on average compared to other countries. Despite the recent postage price hikes in the U.S., Americans are still paying less for postage than many other nations. The nominal price of stamps in other countries can be significantly higher than in the U.S., with Italy having the highest postage cost at $2.96 per stamp. This makes the 63 cents for a First Class Forever stamp in the U.S. seem like a bargain.

The USPS has implemented multiple price hikes in recent years, with the latest increase bringing the cost of sending first-class mail to 73 cents. The agency reported a $6.5 billion loss for fiscal 2023 and is trying to streamline its operations to improve financial stability. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is scheduled to appear before a Senate hearing to discuss the agency’s operations. Despite the challenges faced by the Postal Service, the art of postage stamps continues to be a unique form of expression, with artists like Michael Deas creating enduring images that are part of everyday life for many Americans.

Michael Deas’ work as a portraitist for postage stamps showcases the artistic talent and creativity involved in designing these small but impactful pieces of art. Despite the rising costs of postage, stamps in the U.S. remain relatively affordable compared to other countries. The ability to convey history, culture, and national pride through the medium of a postage stamp is a testament to the enduring artistry and importance of this form of communication. As the USPS grapples with financial challenges, the art of postage stamps continues to connect people across distances and generations, serving as a reminder of the unique and lasting impact of visual art on our everyday lives.

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