Democrats have shifted their stance on immigration policies and border security under the Biden administration. Many Democrats who once opposed former President Trump’s immigration policies are now supporting bipartisan solutions to the border crisis. This change is in response to the increasing number of migrants crossing into the US from Mexico, which has become a top priority for voters. Senators like Sherrod Brown and Jacky Rosen, who previously criticized Trump’s asylum policies, have now supported measures like Title 42 under Biden to manage the influx of migrants.

Senate Democrats in competitive reelection races, such as Brown, Rosen, and Jon Tester, have chosen to support a bipartisan border security bill that includes funding for new border walls and additional resources for border security. This decision has been seen as a strategic move to appeal to voters concerned about immigration, even if it means compromising on their previous positions on border walls and asylum policies. Tester, for example, has a history of opposing Trump’s border wall but has since used images of the wall in his campaign ads to demonstrate his commitment to border security.

The border security bill supported by Senate Democrats does not include provisions for a pathway to citizenship, marking a departure from previous Democratic efforts to include protections for undocumented immigrants in immigration reform legislation. Lawmakers like Colin Allred have previously advocated for comprehensive immigration reform with pathways to citizenship but have now backed the bipartisan bill as a step towards reform. Allred, a strong critic of Trump’s border wall policies, has shifted his stance on physical barriers, acknowledging the need for some barriers in certain areas to manage border security effectively.

The Biden administration’s construction of new sections of the border wall, using funds allocated during the Trump administration, has received mixed reactions from Democrats like Allred. While he supports limited physical barriers as part of a comprehensive approach to border security, he still opposes the idea of a wall across the entire southern border. Allred’s willingness to work with both parties to secure the border contrasts with the hardline approach of Republicans like Ted Cruz, demonstrating a more moderate stance on immigration and border security issues.

Overall, the shift in Democrats’ positions on immigration and border security reflects the changing dynamics around these issues under the Biden administration. The surge in migrant border crossings has forced lawmakers to reevaluate their stances and seek bipartisan solutions to address the crisis. While some Democrats have faced criticism for their evolving positions on border policies, they argue that their decisions are guided by the need for practical solutions to secure the border, fix the immigration system, and keep communities safe. Despite the complexities and nuances of immigration policy, Democrats are navigating a politically charged landscape to address the challenges at the border.

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