The fight against irregular migration continues uninterrupted during the Eid al-Adha holiday, according to a post made on the Presidency’s social media account. The post stated that 165 mobile migration checkpoint vehicles, including 75 in Istanbul, are supporting operations. “21,396 ID checks have been conducted, and 881 irregular migrants have been identified. Deportation procedures have been initiated,” the post said.

In addition to the ongoing efforts to combat irregular migration, various measures have been implemented to address the issue effectively. These include the establishment of mobile migration checkpoints and the deployment of additional personnel to various border points. These efforts are aimed at identifying and deporting individuals who have entered the country illegally, as well as preventing future occurrences of irregular migration.

The use of advanced technology, such as biometric identification systems, has been instrumental in enhancing border security measures. These systems allow authorities to quickly and accurately verify the identities of individuals passing through border checkpoints. This technology has proven to be an effective tool in identifying and apprehending those involved in illegal migration activities.

In response to the increasing number of individuals attempting to cross borders illegally, the government has taken a proactive approach to address the issue. This includes the implementation of stricter border control measures, increased surveillance, and enhanced coordination between various agencies involved in border security. These measures have helped to significantly reduce the number of irregular migrants entering the country.

The government has emphasized the importance of international cooperation in addressing the issue of irregular migration. By working closely with other countries and international organizations, Turkey aims to not only address the immediate challenges posed by irregular migration but also to develop long-term solutions to prevent future occurrences. Efforts are being made to strengthen border security and address the root causes of irregular migration.

Overall, the government’s efforts to combat irregular migration during the Eid al-Adha holiday have been met with success, as evidenced by the significant number of individuals identified and deportation procedures initiated. The use of advanced technology, increased border security measures, and international cooperation have all played a crucial role in ensuring the effectiveness of these efforts. The government remains committed to addressing the issue of irregular migration and will continue to take proactive measures to secure the country’s borders.

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