A woman from Oregon received an official apology from her dentist clinic after her hygienist shared multiple political conspiracy theories, including the belief that Princess Diana, Elvis, and other celebrities were alive. The woman, Jo Danvers, described the incident as “crazy” and shared her experience in a post online that garnered almost 4.5 million views. In the post, Ms. Danvers detailed how the hygienist shared these conspiracy theories as she cleaned her teeth, leaving her feeling vulnerable and uncomfortable.

Ms. Danvers listed several theories shared by the hygienist in an email to the clinic, including claims that Biden had died in 2020 and that JFK Jr. was alive and the true vice president. The hygienist also urged Ms. Danvers to “wake up,” insisted she share what she had learned with others, and then proceeded to tell her more conspiracy theories involving well-known figures like Princess Diana, John Lennon, Tupac, Elvis, and Marilyn Monroe. The unsettling experience prompted Ms. Danvers to reach out to the clinic and share her concerns about the hygienist’s inappropriate behavior.

The clinic responded to Ms. Danvers with a formal email, apologizing for the actions of the hygienist and explaining that the staffer was temporary and only there until the permanent hygienist returned. They assured Ms. Danvers that they did not hold the information shared by the hygienist to be true or appropriate for discussion in the office. The clinic expressed its regret for what happened during Ms. Danvers’ appointment and promised to address the issue promptly.

In light of the situation, Ms. Danvers decided to share her experience on social media, emphasizing that discussing political beliefs and conspiracy theories in a professional environment without prompting was inappropriate. Many users praised the clinic and the dentist for their response to the complaint, expressing relief that the hygienist would be replaced for future appointments. They commended the professionalism of the clinic in handling the situation and hoped that the hygienist would engage in a discussion about what is appropriate and inappropriate when interacting with patients.

Overall, the incident involving the hygienist sharing political conspiracy theories during a teeth cleaning appointment left Ms. Danvers feeling uncomfortable and vulnerable. The response from the dentist clinic, however, was swift and apologetic, assuring Ms. Danvers that the hygienist’s behavior was not condoned by the practice. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining professionalism and appropriate boundaries in all professional settings, including dental offices. By speaking out about her experience, Ms. Danvers prompted a conversation about what is acceptable behavior when interacting with patients and highlighted the responsibility of healthcare providers to uphold ethical standards.

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