Denise Drysdale has recently brought up her past feud with Ita Buttrose during an episode of I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! Australia. She recounted the incident where she threw a brussels sprout at Ita, which landed on her red Chanel suit and caused quite a buzz in the media. Denise admitted that she regretted not throwing a turkey instead for even more attention. This incident stemmed from a real altercation where Denise threw vegetables at Ita during a Christmas party, leading to Denise taking responsibility for her actions.

In a previous statement in 2018, Denise acknowledged her mistake in throwing the brussels sprout at Ita and expressed regret for her actions. She took responsibility for the incident, admitting that it was a result of being in a jovial mood at the Christmas party and having consumed some champagne. Denise emphasized that she has a good relationship with Ita and regularly speaks with her, despite their past conflict. Ita, on the other hand, denied the existence of an ongoing feud between them, referring to the incident as ‘fake news’ when questioned about it on The Kyle & Jackie O Show.

The ‘Brussels sprout incident’ has been a topic of interest and speculation among fans of Studio 10 and followers of the two TV personalities. Denise’s retelling of the story on I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! Australia has reignited public interest in the feud between her and Ita. Despite the incident, both women have maintained a professional relationship and continue to work together on their respective projects. Ita’s denial of a feud and emphasis on the incident being blown out of proportion further adds to the intrigue surrounding their relationship.

The controversial incident involving Denise throwing vegetables at Ita has resurfaced in the media, sparking debate and discussion among fans of the two television stars. While Denise has expressed regret for her actions and taken responsibility for the altercation, Ita has downplayed the incident and dismissed any rumors of an ongoing feud between them. The public interest in their relationship and the details of the ‘Brussels sprout incident’ continue to captivate audiences and keep the conversation alive in the entertainment industry.

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