Five criminal and civil prosecutions of former President Donald Trump have prompted heated denials from Democrats regarding President Joe Biden and Democrat operatives’ involvement. Biden expressed frustration with his own Justice Department’s federal prosecutors for being slow to indict Trump, fearing that Trump would not appear in court during the 2024 election cycle. Politico reported on Biden’s grumblings to his aides and advisors about the delay in the investigation, blaming the former president and his team for resistance to the trial potentially being held before the election.

The involvement of the White House in the Trump prosecutions becomes apparent through various connections. Special counsel Jack Smith, who petitioned unsuccessfully to speed up the indictment process, had previously gone after Republican Gov. Bob MacDonald, with his actions ultimately overturned by the Supreme Court. Smith’s wife had donated to Biden’s 2020 campaign fund, and this connection raises questions about Smith’s selection for the role. Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ lead prosecutor, Nathan Wade, met with the White House counsel’s office, billing the federal government for his time without disclosing the nature of the meetings. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s convictions of Trump were led by former high-ranking Democratic prosecutor Matthew Colangelo, who had recently left his position in the Biden Justice Department to join Bragg’s team.

Following the Colangelo-Bragg conviction of Trump, Biden wasted no time in labeling his rival a “convicted felon.” The involvement of Biden’s former prosecutor, a left-wing judge, and a Manhattan jury have worked to potentially keep Trump off the campaign trail, much to Biden’s delight. The media and Democrats need to acknowledge that Biden’s White House is not neutral in these proceedings and is orchestrating to stifle the will of the people leading up to the November elections. The connections between key players in these prosecutions and their ties to Biden’s administration raise concerns about the motives behind the aggressive pursuit of Trump through the legal system.

The overt political ties between those involved in the prosecutions of Trump and the Biden administration point towards a concerted effort to influence the legal proceedings for political gain. The involvement of key Democratic operatives and close connections to the White House suggest a manipulation of the justice system to prevent Trump from reentering the political arena. The actions of individuals like Jack Smith and Matthew Colangelo, who have clear partisan affiliations and ties to Biden’s circle, raise suspicions about the impartiality and fairness of the legal processes against Trump.

The timing of the indictments and convictions of Trump, particularly as they coincide with the approach of the 2024 election cycle, has political implications that cannot be ignored. The eagerness of Biden and his allies to see Trump removed from the campaign trail through legal means raises questions about the integrity of the justice system and the motivations behind these prosecutions. By using federal and local prosecutors with connections to the Biden administration, there is a clear attempt to manipulate the legal process for political ends, raising concerns about the rule of law and the separation of powers in the United States.

Ultimately, the media and Democrats need to confront these connections and acknowledge the potential abuse of power and politicization of the legal system in the pursuit of Trump. The reluctance to address these issues only reinforces the notion that Biden’s administration is willing to use any means necessary to prevent Trump from challenging him in future elections. The focus should be on ensuring a fair, impartial, and transparent legal process for all individuals, regardless of their political affiliations, rather than allowing political motivations to dictate the course of justice.

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