Democrats are capitalizing on Donald Trump’s negative comments about Milwaukee, Wisconsin, attempting to use them against him politically. The DNC is launching 10 billboards in the city featuring Trump’s remarks, while President Joe Biden’s campaign is selling merchandise with the words “(Not) a Horrible City.” Democratic leaders, including Biden and Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, took to social media to express their support for Milwaukee and criticize Trump’s comments.

As Trump criticized Milwaukee for its crime rates and election integrity issues, Democratic leaders and the media quickly seized on his remarks. The Trump campaign pushed back, claiming that his comments were taken out of context and that he was referring to crime and voter fraud. The Democratic billboards feature Trump’s reported comment that Milwaukee is a “horrible city,” which quickly gained traction in Wisconsin, a key swing state in presidential elections.

Milwaukee is a Democratic stronghold that Trump and his allies have often targeted as a city rife with election fraud. The city is surrounded by more conservative counties, but Democrats have been making gains in these areas in recent years. Trump is scheduled to visit Racine, Wisconsin, for a campaign event, where he may address the reports about his remarks about Milwaukee. Some Republican lawmakers present at the meeting with Trump denied hearing his comment, saying he was specifically referring to crime in Milwaukee and not the city itself.

Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson defended his city, stating that it was working to address issues related to crime that arose after the pandemic. The comment by Trump, as reported by Punchbowl News, has sparked controversy and political backlash in Wisconsin. The state has been closely contested in recent elections, making any comments about key cities like Milwaukee significant in the political landscape. The issue of crime rates and allegations of election fraud in urban areas has been a highly charged topic in recent political debates.

Despite the controversy surrounding Trump’s comments, Republican lawmakers present at the meeting with him have denied hearing him refer to Milwaukee as a “horrible city.” They claim he was specifically discussing crime rates in the city and not making a blanket statement about its overall quality. The pushback from Democrats and the media highlights the intense focus on key swing states like Wisconsin in national politics. Milwaukee’s importance as a Democratic stronghold and a host city for the Republican National Convention further underscores the significance of Trump’s comments and the political fallout they may have.

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