Liberal activist and filmmaker Michael Moore believes that the Democrats have a strong chance of defeating former President Trump in the upcoming presidential election, with Vice President Kamala Harris as the candidate. Moore warned that the party must not squander this opportunity, as they have a history of failing to capitalize on moments of optimism. Harris’s choice of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate has garnered Moore’s approval, and he expressed confidence that Harris can go head-to-head with Trump in debates and possibly unsettle him.

Moore has previously warned Democrats about the appeal of Trump’s message to disenfranchised voters, as seen in the 2016 election. He emphasized the need for unity among Democrats to take down the incumbent president. Moore believes that Harris and Walz are individuals of substance, though he acknowledges that mistakes will be made and changes are needed to cater to the party’s anti-war base. He advocates for a strategy that involves using irony, satire, and simple logic to highlight the absurdity of the positions held by Trump and his allies.

The recent decision by Harris not to attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress is seen by Moore as a positive step in signaling a new direction. He believes that Harris should focus on issues such as affordable housing, student debt, peace, and climate change to appeal to young voters who are critical of Biden’s stance on war. The plan to beat Trump involves maintaining a consistent approach until the debates and then confronting him with a blend of humor and common sense that transcends party lines.

Moore, along with others on the left, had called for Biden to step aside in favor of Harris prior to his decision to withdraw from the race. He described the Democratic Party’s efforts to keep Biden in the race as a form of “elder abuse” and expressed confidence in Harris’s capabilities to lead the party. He highlighted her potential to issue executive orders that address key issues while showcasing her resilience and compassion. Moore believes that Harris has time to demonstrate her abilities and win over American voters with her policies that resonate with the middle class and protect women’s rights.

Democrats have been critical of the Trump-Vance ticket, labeling it as “weird,” while also facing criticisms of their own campaign, particularly for the scripted nature of their online videos. Moore views the upcoming debates as a crucial opportunity for Harris and Walz to make a strong impression on voters by directly challenging Trump with a mix of wit and reason. He stresses the importance of reaching a broad audience by appealing to their common sense, rather than relying solely on party affiliation. The success of the Democratic campaign hinges on their ability to maintain momentum, avoid missteps, and effectively communicate their vision for the country.

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