A forensic review conducted by the state Department of Elections has found significant irregularities in the campaign finances of Delaware’s Lieutenant Governor Bethany Hall-Long, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for governor. The review, conducted by Pennsylvania-based Forensic Litigation Consultants, revealed that Hall-Long and her husband had received payments totaling $33,000 more than what she claimed to have loaned to her campaign. Additionally, Hall-Long’s husband, who served as her former campaign treasurer, wrote several checks to himself and others that were falsely reported. The findings raised questions about the transparency and accuracy of Hall-Long’s campaign finances.

The forensic review also uncovered that Hall-Long’s husband had written 112 checks from the campaign committee account to himself or cash, totaling nearly $300,000, which should have been reported as campaign expenditures. However, 109 of these checks were never initially reported in finance reports, and the remaining four checks, payable to Hall-Long’s husband, were inaccurately reported as being made to someone else. These discrepancies call into question the integrity of the financial management of Hall-Long’s campaign and raise concerns about potential fraudulent activities.

During an interview conducted as part of the forensic review, Dana Long, Hall-Long’s husband, was questioned about a note written by Hall-Long that indicated a need to create receipts for the campaign’s finances. Long was unable to explain the terminology used in the note, raising further suspicions about the campaign’s financial record-keeping practices. Hall-Long and her campaign staff have not yet responded to the findings of the forensic review, leaving unanswered questions about the accuracy and transparency of her campaign finances.

The revelations of financial improprieties in Hall-Long’s campaign finances have come at a critical time, as she faces competition in the upcoming Democratic gubernatorial primary. Hall-Long’s campaign has already experienced turmoil, with resignations of key campaign staff members following the discovery of major discrepancies in finance reports. Despite previous assertions of no wrongdoing by an accounting firm hired by her campaign, the forensic review has uncovered troubling discrepancies that raise doubts about the accuracy and integrity of Hall-Long’s financial disclosures.

In response to the findings of the forensic review, Elections Commissioner Anthony Albence has advised Hall-Long to take prompt corrective action by filing amended campaign finance reports. While Albence has indicated that he does not intend to refer the matter to the attorney general’s office, he has warned that the report may be made public in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Hall-Long has acknowledged receiving the report and has expressed concerns about inaccuracies and omissions in the findings, indicating that her campaign will need time to respond before any further actions are taken.

As the controversy surrounding Hall-Long’s campaign finances continues to unfold, questions remain about the impact of these revelations on her political future. With the Democratic primary approaching, the integrity of her financial management may become a focal point for voters and critics alike. The findings of the forensic review have raised serious concerns about the transparency and accuracy of Hall-Long’s campaign finances, highlighting the need for accountability and oversight in the handling of political donations and expenditures.

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