In the village of Buğdaylı, located in the district of Sulusaray where earthquakes of magnitudes 4.7 and 5.6 occurred on the 18th of last month, deep cracks were observed in the field. The Headman of Buğdaylı Village, Ahmet Demir, stated that earthquakes occurred in their district last month. Demir emphasized that the government is by their side after the earthquake and stated that all kinds of support have been provided.

After the earthquake, Demir mentioned that experts examined the small cracks they saw in the field in their village, but explained that these could not definitively be linked to the earthquake. He stated that the epicenter of the earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 was in their village. They did not notice the cracks here in the first days after the earthquake. Their shepherds did not leave the village for 3-4 days after the earthquake. They had seen small cracks near their village, but they noticed this area for the first time. Children were the first to notice the cracks.

Ahmet Demir noted that they requested officials to examine the cracks. The villagers are concerned about the safety of their homes and buildings, as the earthquake left visible marks on the land. The authorities will need to conduct a thorough investigation to determine the extent of the damage and whether it is safe for residents to continue living in the area. The residents of Buğdaylı Village are hoping for answers and support from the government in order to address these concerns.

The community is now on high alert as they await the results of the official investigations. They are also seeking guidance on how to proceed in the aftermath of the earthquakes. The safety and well-being of the residents are of the utmost importance, and it is crucial that all necessary measures are taken to ensure their protection. The village headman and the residents are working closely with the authorities to address any issues that may arise from the earthquake and its aftermath.

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