A small group of pro-Palestinian students at Duke University protested against comedian Jerry Seinfeld speaking at their commencement ceremony Sunday, with about 30 of the 7,000 students leaving their seats and chanting “free Palestine.” The students waved Palestinian flags as Seinfeld received an honorary doctorate from the university. The protest was emblematic of similar events at college campuses across the United States in response to the ongoing conflict in Gaza, with nearly 2,900 protesters arrested at 57 colleges and universities.

At Southern California’s Pomona College, police escorted graduates’ families past pro-Palestinian protesters who tried to block access to the commencement ceremony. The protest was a result of the school’s refusal to consider divesting its endowment funds from corporations linked to Israel’s involvement in the war in Gaza. Demonstrator Anwar Mohmed criticized the school for ignoring their calls for divestment and stated that they were left with no choice but to disrupt the ceremony to get their message across.

In response to the protests, some graduation ceremonies across the country saw students displaying messages of solidarity with Palestine. At Emerson College in Boston, students adorned their mortar boards with “free Palestine” slogans, while others showed support by displaying symbols like the kaffiyeh and the watermelon painted on their hands. Some ceremonies, like at Columbia University and the University of Southern California, were altered or canceled due to security concerns over potential disruptions caused by protests.

Protests also took place at the University of California, Berkeley, where a small group of pro-Palestinian demonstrators were escorted to the back of the stadium during commencement. Despite the disruptions, these events were largely peaceful, with no major incidents reported. The protests highlighted the growing support for the Palestinian cause among college students in the United States and the impact it is having on campus events and ceremonies.

The University of California, Berkeley, and Emerson College were among the institutions where students used their graduation platforms to show solidarity with Palestine. Some students left their graduation robes on stage with messages supporting the cause, while others modified their attire or displayed symbols of support. The protests and displays of solidarity with Palestine are part of a larger movement on college campuses calling for divestment from Israeli-linked corporations and an end to U.S. support for Israel’s actions in Gaza.

As graduation season continues, schools like DePaul University in Chicago are facing ongoing protests from pro-Palestinian student groups. The DePaul Divestment Coalition has set up an encampment on the school’s campus, demanding that the university divest from economic interests tied to Israel. The group alleges that university officials have failed to engage in productive discussions and have instead attempted to force students into agreements. The protests at DePaul and other universities reflect a broader student-led movement advocating for solidarity with Palestine and calling for accountability in relation to Israel’s actions in Gaza.

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