Two close friendships are put to the test in these letters to Dear Abby. In the first letter, a woman writes about her friend abruptly ending their relationship because she is dating a married man. The woman explains that the man she is seeing has been given permission by his wife to have a girlfriend due to their lack of intimacy in their marriage. Despite the unconventional arrangement, the woman feels happy and fulfilled in her relationship with the married man. However, her friend sees this as cheating and decided to cut ties. Dear Abby advises the woman to accept her friend’s decision and understand that not everyone will approve of her choices.

In the second letter, a woman expresses her concerns about her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend, who is much younger than them. The ex-girlfriend frequently contacts the boyfriend for money and to ask favors, causing tension in the current relationship. The boyfriend is attached to the child the ex-girlfriend has, even though he is not the biological father. The woman is unsure of how to navigate the situation and is considering ending the relationship due to the ex-girlfriend’s interference. Dear Abby suggests that the woman should communicate openly with her boyfriend and ask him to set boundaries with his ex-girlfriend before making a decision about walking away.

Overall, both letters highlight the complexities of relationships and friendships when external factors come into play. In the first letter, the woman faces judgment and criticism from her friend for her decision to be involved with a married man, leading to the end of their friendship. In the second letter, the woman struggles with her boyfriend’s attachment to his ex-girlfriend’s child and the ongoing interference from the ex-girlfriend. Dear Abby encourages open communication and setting boundaries in these situations to navigate the challenges that arise.

It is clear that relationships can be tested by outside influences and conflicting values. In the first situation, the woman must come to terms with her friend’s disapproval of her relationship with a married man. In the second situation, the woman is caught in the middle of her boyfriend’s complex relationship with his ex-girlfriend and her child. The advice given by Dear Abby emphasizes the importance of communication, boundaries, and understanding in maintaining healthy relationships amidst challenging circumstances.

In conclusion, the letters to Dear Abby highlight the fragility and complexity of relationships when faced with external challenges. Whether it is judgment from friends or interference from ex-partners, navigating these situations requires open communication, setting boundaries, and understanding different perspectives. Ultimately, the advice given by Dear Abby encourages individuals to prioritize their own well-being and happiness while also considering the feelings and boundaries of others involved in the situation. Relationships are a delicate balance of emotions, communication, and mutual respect, and it is essential to approach them with empathy and understanding.

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