The letter writer expresses concern about their daughter-in-law’s immoral behavior, including having an affair and disrespecting their son and children. The daughter-in-law often goes on vacations without her husband and puts him down when they are together. The letter writer is unsure of how to handle the situation, as the daughter-in-law’s actions are causing emotional distress to the family.

The letter writer seeks advice on how to support their son, who is being mistreated by his morally corrupt wife. Dear Abby suggests that the son needs to come to terms with the irreparable damage in his marriage before anything can change. Encouraging the son to seek legal advice on his options and responsibilities in case of divorce is recommended, especially considering the negative impact the daughter-in-law’s behavior is having on the children.

Another letter writer asks for advice on how to handle splitting expenses on a trip with friends after the recent passing of their spouse. The writer is unsure about how to divide the cost of the car rental for the trip. Dear Abby advises the writer to bring up the subject with their friends and suggest splitting the cost of the car rental five ways since they are now traveling as a group of five instead of three couples.

Overall, these letters to Dear Abby highlight different interpersonal challenges and dilemmas faced by the writers. In one case, the focus is on how to support a family member going through a difficult relationship, while in the other, it is about navigating changing dynamics in a group of friends after a loss. Dear Abby’s advice emphasizes open communication and addressing issues directly to find solutions and maintain healthy relationships.

With empathy and practical suggestions, Dear Abby provides guidance to the letter writers on how to approach their respective situations. The importance of seeking legal advice in a troubled marriage and addressing financial matters openly with friends is emphasized. By encouraging open conversations and proactive steps, Dear Abby helps the individuals find clarity and navigate their interpersonal challenges effectively. The letters and responses serve as a reminder of the importance of communication, understanding, and seeking support in maintaining healthy relationships.

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