A woman writes to Dear Abby about her 30-year marriage, which has been marked by unhappiness. She has been dealing with painful skin infections for years, and after moving out of the master bedroom, her skin is now clearing up and pain-free. She discovered a book about mushrooms in which her husband had underlined a section about mushrooms being parasitic. Abby suggests the woman speak to her doctors about her suspicions and consider involving the police if her husband is found to be responsible, as he may be guilty of assault.

Another reader writes to Dear Abby about her 42-year marriage, where she recently noticed changes in her husband’s behavior. She found text messages on his phone between him and a woman named Ginger, who is 30 years old and works with him. The husband also mentioned having another woman friend of the same age who he confides in. The reader is at a loss and wonders what she can do to bring her husband back to their marriage. Abby advises the reader to have a conversation with her husband about her feelings and to focus on her own well-being, rather than just trying to please him.

In both situations, it is clear that there are issues within the marriages that need to be addressed. The first woman’s suspicions about her husband potentially causing her skin infections are serious and may require legal intervention. The second woman is dealing with her husband’s inappropriate behavior with younger women, which is disrespectful and possibly a threat to their marriage. Both situations highlight the importance of open communication, setting boundaries, and taking care of oneself in a relationship.

Abby’s advice to both readers emphasizes the need for honest conversations with their spouses. In the first case, seeking the opinions of medical professionals and involving the authorities if necessary is recommended. In the second case, the reader is encouraged to speak to her husband about her feelings and consider her own needs and well-being. Monitoring finances for unusual spending is also suggested, as it may indicate further issues in the marriage that need to be addressed with legal assistance if needed.

In conclusion, both letters to Dear Abby show the complexities of long-term relationships and the challenges that can arise within them. It is important to address suspicions and inappropriate behavior early on to prevent further damage to the marriage. Open communication, setting boundaries, and focusing on one’s own well-being are key aspects of maintaining a healthy and respectful relationship. Abby’s advice serves as a reminder that seeking help and taking action when necessary is crucial in navigating difficult situations within a marriage.

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