The Illustrious Bar Association of Madrid (ICAM) has entered fully into the case of Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s boyfriend, the president of the Community of Madrid. This institution has filed a complaint against the Prosecutor’s Office for issuing a statement that denied the distorted data and falsehoods that Ayuso’s team was spreading against the public ministry following the procedure opened against her partner, Alberto González Amador, for alleged tax fraud and document forgery. The dean of the ICAM, Eugenio Ribón, defends their actions. The decision to take legal action against the Prosecutor’s Office was made due to the unprecedented nature of the public statement, which violated the principles of trust, confidentiality of communications between parties, and the essence of the right to defense.

When the ICAM learned of the situation, they first confirmed the authenticity of the statement with the Chief Prosecutor of Madrid. An emergency meeting was held where the decision to take action was made. The concern was primarily for the breach of confidentiality in communications between lawyers and prosecutors, which could jeopardize the right to defense and the effectiveness of judicial protection. The ICAM’s goal was to hold those responsible and ensure that mechanisms are put in place to prevent such actions from happening again. The focus of their complaint is on the Prosecutor’s Office’s public statement, which they believe compromised the custody of documents and confidentiality required in legal proceedings.

The ICAM’s denunciation is specifically directed at the Prosecutor’s Office’s release of detailed information on confidential conversations, potentially endangering the fairness of the legal process. The ICAM does not comment on media leaks, as it falls outside their jurisdiction. The concern lies with the breach of confidentiality by an official institution like the Prosecutor’s Office. Regardless of previous leaks by other parties, the ICAM’s main issue is with the official communication provided by the Prosecutor’s Office in this case.The ICAM emphasizes the importance of upholding the principles of confidentiality and professional conduct to maintain the integrity of legal proceedings.

The ICAM’s actions have sparked criticism from the Free Association of Lawyers (ALA), who accuse them of overreacting to protect the interests of a particular government. The ICAM maintains that their response is in defense of the right to a fair trial, regardless of the identity or affiliation of the individuals involved. The ICAM’s democratic governance ensures a diversity of opinions among its members, but the overarching goal remains to uphold the rule of law and ensure proper legal procedures are followed. Despite external perceptions, the ICAM remains neutral and independent in its actions.

The ICAM’s decision to pursue legal action stemmed from the need to address a breach of confidentiality by the Prosecutor’s Office. The ICAM’s meeting with the Prosecutor General did not yield the expected outcomes, as they were met with justifications for the breach and a lack of commitment to investigate and rectify the situation. The ICAM expressed disappointment with the lack of accountability and the attempt to deflect responsibility by the Prosecutor’s Office. The decision not to sign a joint statement with the Prosecutor’s Office was based on the disagreement with the narrative presented and the failure to acknowledge the severity of the breach.

In conclusion, the ICAM’s actions are driven by a commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of individuals involved in legal proceedings. Regardless of external criticisms or perceptions, the ICAM remains dedicated to ensuring fairness, integrity, and confidentiality in the legal profession. Their stance against the breach of confidentiality by the Prosecutor’s Office reflects a commitment to professional ethics and the fundamental principles of the legal system. The ICAM’s actions highlight the importance of maintaining trust, confidentiality, and due process in legal proceedings.

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