Trayon White Sr., a District of Columbia councilmember, was arrested for accepting over $150,000 in bribes in exchange for pressuring city employees to extend contracts for violence intervention services. The allegations were revealed in court records unsealed on Monday. White, a Democrat known for promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories, allegedly agreed to accept kickbacks and cash payments to pressure government agency employees to extend contracts worth over $5 million for two companies. The FBI conducted secret recordings of White and an informant who gave him cash payments on multiple occasions.

The informant, who had contracts with the D.C. government, reported giving White gifts and bribes, including travel to the Dominican Republic and Las Vegas. In one recorded meeting, the informant gave White $5,000 in cash in exchange for reaching out to government employees, to which White responded affirmatively. The FBI also alleges that White accepted a $20,000 bribe payment to resolve a contract dispute for one of the companies by pressuring high-level district officials. White’s chief of staff and spokesperson did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the allegations.

White, who has served on the D.C. council since 2017, represents a predominantly Black ward with a high poverty rate. Despite the allegations, White is running for re-election in November against a Republican challenger. He did not speak to reporters as he left the courthouse after a brief court appearance, where his supporters shouted their support for him. White is a former grassroots community activist and a protégé of former Mayor Marion Barry, who also represented the same ward as White on the council.

White gained notoriety in 2018 for promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories, including one involving the Rothschild banking family controlling the climate to create natural disasters. The Rothschilds, a Jewish family with a prominent banking history, have been the subject of many conspiracy theories. White claimed to be unaware of the antisemitic implications of the conspiracy theory at the time. Another video surfaced of White pushing a similar conspiracy theory during a meeting of top city officials, where he questioned the Rothschilds’ control over the World Bank and federal government. White’s arrest adds to the controversies surrounding his political career and public image.

White’s attorney declined to comment on the allegations against him, and he was released from custody after his court appearance. The magistrate judge warned White that he could be jailed before trial if he violates any conditions of his release. The case raises concerns about corruption within the D.C. government and the lengths to which some officials may go to secure financial benefits. White’s arrest highlights the challenges of maintaining ethical standards in public office and the importance of holding elected officials accountable for their actions.

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