Fr. Patrick Mary Briscoe, O.P., a Washington-based Dominican friar and Catholic priest, emphasizes the importance of trusting in the Lord at all times, citing a Bible verse from the Gospel of Luke. In this verse, Jesus questions his disciples about their troubles and doubts, highlighting the need to confront and surrender to God rather than rely on one’s own strength. Fr. Briscoe explains that the biggest temptation in the spiritual life is to believe that we can make progress on our own, emphasizing the importance of trusting in God and surrendering to His will in all aspects of life.

Luke, also known as Luke the Evangelist, is credited with writing more of the New Testament than any other individual, even surpassing the apostle Paul. Fr. Briscoe points out that in times of difficulty and challenge, it is crucial to turn to God for guidance and strength, rather than depending on one’s own abilities. He shares a personal experience of being accosted on the streets of Denver and how he turned to prayer and faith when faced with a potentially dangerous situation, ultimately finding peace and resolution in the midst of chaos.

Fr. Briscoe reflects on the peace that comes from trusting in Jesus Christ, citing the greeting of “Peace be with you” that Jesus offered to His disciples after the resurrection. This peace, according to Fr. Briscoe, is a powerful force that can drive away anxiety and fear, offering solace and comfort to those who embrace it. By fixing our eyes on Christ and professing His name, we can find the strength to withstand any trial and challenge that comes our way, relying solely on His guidance and grace.

The message of Easter, Fr. Briscoe explains, is a reminder of the resurrection of Jesus and the gift of peace that comes from embracing His teachings and surrendering to His will. By letting go of our fears and anxieties, and placing our trust in God, we can experience the transformative power of Easter in our lives. Fr. Briscoe emphasizes the importance of embodying the peace of Christ in our actions and interactions with others, as it serves as a powerful testimony to the love and grace of God.

Fr. Briscoe’s personal experience of being accosted on the streets of Denver serves as a poignant example of how embracing the peace of Christ can lead to resolution and understanding in challenging situations. By responding with love and compassion, even in the face of adversity, we can demonstrate the transformative power of faith and trust in God. This display of grace and peace can have a profound impact on those around us, showing them the love and light of Christ in a tangible way.

In conclusion, Fr. Briscoe’s message of trusting in God, surrendering to His will, and embracing the peace of Christ serves as a reminder of the transformative power of faith in times of difficulty and challenge. By fixing our eyes on Jesus and professing His name, we can find strength, peace, and resolution in the midst of chaos. As we continue to celebrate the Easter season, may we be inspired to embody the peace and love of Christ in all that we do, allowing His grace to guide us through life’s trials and tribulations.

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