Model Dayle Haddon passed away at the age of 76, four months after appearing in a Vogue editorial shoot alongside Blake Lively. Haddon praised director Baz Luhrmann and Lively for their work on the shoot, highlighting Lively’s kindness and generosity throughout the process. Haddon also expressed her gratitude towards Vogue icon Anna Wintour for putting together the project with such talented individuals.

Following her mother’s passing, Haddon’s daughter Ryan paid tribute to her on Instagram, describing her as a powerful yet soft woman who was deeply creative and attentive to others. Ryan highlighted her mother’s ability to connect with people on a deep level and uplift them, calling her an inspiration to many. She shared her belief in the mystical and unknowable nature of life and honored her mother’s journey both in this dimension and beyond.

Ryan explained how she plans to honor her mother’s legacy moving forward, expressing her trust in the timing of events and her mother’s soul’s evolution. She described her mother as a high-hearted spiritual being who always sought the Light in all aspects of her life. Ryan shared her gratitude for being her mother’s daughter in this lifetime and reshared her tribute on her Instagram Story, bidding her mother to Rest in Light.

Haddon was found unconscious in her daughter and son-in-law’s Pennsylvania farmhouse after a suspected carbon monoxide leak. A police investigation into the incident is currently ongoing, shedding light on the circumstances surrounding her untimely death. Despite the tragic nature of her passing, Haddon’s legacy and impact on those around her continue to be remembered and honored by her loved ones. Her daughter Ryan’s heartfelt tribute serves as a beautiful testament to the kind, creative, and inspiring woman that Dayle Haddon was.

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