Hunter Biden’s sister-in-law and former girlfriend, Hallie Biden, provided testimony in his criminal trial discussing their use of crack cocaine and the events surrounding the disappearance of his gun. She revealed that she regretted her drug use and detailed how Hunter introduced her to crack cocaine. Hallie was a key witness in the trial, as she was the one who disposed of the gun, leading to the charges against Hunter Biden for lying on a federal firearm form and illegal possession of a gun. The prosecution is aiming to prove that Hunter lied about his drug use when purchasing the gun in 2018.

Hunter’s defense team acknowledges his struggles with addiction but disputes the timing of his substance use and the gun purchase. The charges could result in a maximum prison sentence of 25 years and significant fines if convicted. Hallie’s testimony provided insight into the day she found the gun in Hunter’s truck, as well as her subsequent panicked actions to dispose of it. She drove to a store and threw the gun in a trash can to prevent any harm from occurring, but later notified Hunter of the situation at his request.

The court heard from various other witnesses, including the gun shop employee who sold Hunter the firearm, a police officer who responded to the incident, and an elderly man who found the gun in a trash can. This man sparked laughter in the courtroom with his humorous responses to questions. The prosecution plans to wrap up its case with final witnesses, including a forensic chemist and DEA special agent. The defense, on the other hand, anticipates calling a few witnesses of their own, with the possibility of Hunter testifying.

Hunter Biden remained engaged throughout the trial, taking notes and consulting with his defense team. His wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, was present in court, receiving a kiss from Hunter during breaks. First Lady Jill Biden was absent in court on Thursday, as she traveled to France for the D-Day anniversary events. Despite the high-profile nature of the trial, the proceedings continued with the examination of witnesses, including Hallie Biden’s detailed account of the events leading to the gun disposal.

The court was shown surveillance footage of Hallie disposing of the gun, followed by her actions to locate it, at Hunter’s insistence. Her interactions with Hunter in the aftermath of the gun discovery were recounted, detailing his anger and demand for further actions. The trial has prompted a focus on Hunter Biden’s past struggles with addiction, with testimonies shedding light on his drug use and the circumstances surrounding the gun incident. The case has garnered attention due to Hunter’s prominent family and the potential legal consequences he faces if found guilty.

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