Daphne Joy, the ex-girlfriend of rapper 50 Cent, was recently seen out in Los Angeles after being named in a lawsuit as one of Sean “Diddy” Combs’ alleged sex workers. She was photographed heading to the gym dressed casually in a black Nike hoodie, leggings, and sneakers. The day before, she accused 50 Cent of raping and physically abusing her after he filed paperwork to gain sole custody of their son, Sire. This move came after she was accused of being a sex worker for Combs, leading to a public exchange of accusations between Joy and 50 Cent on social media.

Joy took to Instagram to accuse 50 Cent of rape and abuse, stating that he had damaged any hope she had left for him to be a father to their child by making false claims against her. She criticized 50 Cent’s co-parenting skills, claiming he only saw their son 10 times in two years despite living nearby. In response, 50 Cent’s representative released a statement saying that the allegations were false and that his main priority was to protect his son Sire and maintain a safe environment for him. The public back-and-forth between the exes occurred after Joy was named in a lawsuit alleging that Combs had paid her and two other women for sex work.

Joy and one of the other women named in the lawsuit, City Girls rapper Yung Miami, denied the claims made in the lawsuit. Combs also denied the allegations of paying for sex work in the lawsuit. Following the news of the lawsuit, 50 Cent mocked Joy online, calling her a “sex worker” in a post on social media. The situation has garnered attention and sparked conversation around the issue of domestic violence and abuse. Resources such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline are available for those who may be affected by similar issues and need support. The public dispute between Joy, 50 Cent, and Combs serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing and seeking help in cases of abuse and violence.

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