Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister President Daniel Günther from the CDU has emphasized that it is not solely the responsibility of the Union to act as a bulwark against the AfD. He believes that all democratic parties should clearly distance themselves from the AfD, not just the Union. Günther stated that it is crucial for all democratic parties to take a firm stance against the AfD, citing the need for a clear and unchanging separation to prevent a repeat of history. He firmly stated that the CDU will not consider collaborating with the AfD, and mentioned the possibility of a ban on the party, emphasizing the importance of a well-prepared legal process to ensure its success.

Günther also expressed criticism towards the fragmentation of the party system in Germany, particularly towards the alliance led by Sahra Wagenknecht. He stated that he does not support this trend, believing that it reflects a growing individualization where new parties are formed for every political position, ultimately complicating the formation of stable government coalitions. Günther emphasized the importance of strong parties that have contributed to the country’s success, highlighting the need for continuity in shaping Germany’s future. He warned against the negative impact of party fragmentation on the political landscape and urged for support towards parties that strengthen democracy in the country.

Regarding the potential ban on the AfD, Günther emphasized the need for a well-prepared legal process to avoid any counterproductive outcomes. He stressed the importance of utilizing all available legal instruments within a democracy to protect it, including the possibility of a ban. Günther also emphasized the need for proper preparation by the federal government to ensure the success of such a procedure and prevent any negative repercussions. He highlighted the importance of upholding democratic values and protecting the country’s political system from any threats posed by extremist parties.

Günther’s comments also addressed the challenges posed by the growing individualization within the political landscape, warning against the implications of forming new parties for every ideological position. He emphasized the importance of maintaining stable government coalitions and preventing further complications in the political process. Günther urged those dissatisfied with the current political situation to consider the impact of party fragmentation on the stability and effectiveness of governance, advocating for support towards parties that have historically contributed to the country’s success and democracy.

Overall, Günther’s remarks underscore the need for all democratic parties to unite against the threat posed by the AfD and to prioritize the strengthening of democratic values in Germany. He emphasized the importance of maintaining a clear separation from extremist parties like the AfD and working towards the preservation and enhancement of the country’s political system. Günther’s comments also highlighted the dangers of party fragmentation and the importance of supporting strong and established parties that have played a key role in shaping Germany’s democratic landscape.

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