Extreme right-wing activist Damien Lefèvre, also known as Damien Rieu and a candidate in the European elections on the Reconquête list, was convicted on Friday, May 17 in Nîmes to eight months of suspended prison sentence for online harassment, according to lawyers for the parties. The incident dates back to April 2017, when he posted on his Twitter account (now renamed X) under the name of Damien Rieu what the plaintiff’s lawyers described as a “private video” in which she criticized Marion Maréchal on Snapchat. He later published the name and a large part of the plaintiff’s phone number, who was a journalist at the time. These publications led to a “massive campaign of denigration, racist insults, online harassment, and numerous anonymous calls,” according to Antoine Ory and Mourad Battikh, the plaintiff’s lawyers, who welcomed what they consider to be the “first conviction [of Damien Rieu] for acts related to his use of the social network” X.

Damien Rieu’s lawyer, Julien Pinelli, declined to comment, especially on a possible appeal by his client. Meanwhile, the former spokesperson of the extreme right-wing group Génération Identitaire believes, on X, that he was subjected to a “political conviction” by the justice system of Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti. In September, Damien Rieu was acquitted in Lyon for defamation against Karim Benzema, for a tweet associating the footballer with armed Islamist fighters. His X account currently has 255,000 subscribers. Mr. Rieu, an unsuccessful candidate for Reconquête in the 2022 legislative elections in Nice, is twelfth on the Zemmourist party’s list in the European elections, led by Marion Maréchal.

The incident involving Damien Rieu highlights the ongoing problem of online harassment and abuse, particularly within the context of political activism. The impact of social media on public discourse and individual behavior has become a growing concern, with cases like this serving as a reminder of the potential consequences of online actions. The use of online platforms for targeted attacks and character assassination is a serious issue that requires attention and legal action to address.

The legal consequences for Damien Rieu, including the suspended prison sentence, underscore the seriousness of the offense and the responsibility individuals have for their actions online. While freedom of expression is a fundamental right, it is not unlimited and must be exercised responsibly. The case also raises questions about the role of social media platforms in enabling and perpetuating online harassment, and the need for accountability and oversight in these spaces.

The reaction to Damien Rieu’s conviction, including his claims of a political vendetta and criticism of the justice system, highlights the complexities of navigating issues of accountability and justice in the context of political activism. The potential implications for freedom of speech and the limits of acceptable behavior online are significant considerations in cases like this. This case serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding ethical standards and legal boundaries in online interactions, and the need for individuals and platforms to be held accountable for harmful behavior.

Overall, the case of Damien Rieu’s conviction for online harassment reflects broader societal concerns about the impact of digital platforms on public discourse and political activism. It also raises important questions about individual responsibility, freedom of expression, and the need for legal frameworks to address online abuse. The consequences for individuals who engage in harassment and defamation online serve as a warning about the potential repercussions of harmful behavior in the digital age, and the importance of promoting respectful and ethical online interactions.

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