On September 20, Friday, heavy rainfall in Arsin, Araklı, and Sürmene districts resulted in floods and landslides with 165 kilograms of rain per square meter.

A total of 339 reports were received by the Emergency Call Center and AFAD centers. As of today, 593 personnel and 339 construction vehicles were working on clearing debris in blocked roads and riverbeds.

According to the Governor’s Office, a total of 36 neighborhoods in Araklı, Arsin, Sürmene, and Yomra districts were affected by landslides, floods, and water inundation. 35 houses, 1 business premises, and 1 stable were evacuated. Damage assessment is ongoing, with a total of 138 business premises, 126 houses, and 85 vehicles already inspected with a total estimated damage of 206,953,481 Turkish Liras.

It was stated in the report that a total of 152 buildings were assessed, with 70 undamaged, 75 slightly damaged, 6 severely damaged, and 1 collapsed. Additionally, a total of 276,898 square meters of agricultural land and 65,700 product warehouses belonging to 504 producers were damaged in the districts of Araklı, Arsin, Sürmene, and Yomra.

“All electricity malfunctions have been resolved, and there are no neighborhoods without power supply.”

The statement also highlighted the ongoing assessment and repair works related to the damages in roads and infrastructure structures under the responsibility of the Metropolitan and district municipalities. So far, it has been identified that 217 retaining walls, 58 culverts, 2 drains, 1 open channel, and 150 meters of concrete road need to be rebuilt in 234 locations.

The announcement further mentioned that all telephone and internet connection issues in the districts have been resolved, ensuring service to all subscribers. Repair and improvement works on the lines are ongoing. Turkish Red Crescent distributed a total of 600 hot soups, 2,190 meals, 8,250 beverages, 8,000 snacks, and 4,400 bottles of water. Following the call by the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, 110 volunteers from 10 cities participated in cleaning activities at 4 schools, 2 mosques, and Araklı State Hospital.

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