“Daily Show” correspondent Desi Lydic praised former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her powerful speech at the Democratic National Convention. Lydic, on her show on Tuesday night, commended Clinton for her performance but also sarcastically remarked that it would be ruled a suicide. However, not everyone was impressed with Clinton’s speech. CPAC Chair Matt Schlapp, speaking on Newsmax, criticized Clinton for being joyless, calling her the most joyless person to ever walk the Earth. Lydic responded to Schlapp’s criticism by pointing out the hypocrisy of criticizing Clinton for not smiling enough while also criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris for smiling too much.

Lydic challenged Schlapp’s opinion on women’s expressions and how they should behave, telling him that he doesn’t have the right to control both their smiles and their thoughts. She highlighted the double standards that women face in the political arena, where they are criticized no matter what they do. Lydic humorously declared that she would undergo a surgery to remove her mouth entirely to avoid further criticism from the right. She expressed frustration with the constant scrutiny and unrealistic expectations placed on women in positions of power.

The exchange between Lydic and Schlapp reflects the ongoing gender bias and misogyny in politics and public discourse. Women in positions of power are often judged based on their appearance, demeanor, and behavior, while their male counterparts are held to different standards. Lydic’s response highlighted the absurdity of criticizing women for both smiling too much and not smiling enough, illustrating the lose-lose situation that women often find themselves in. The comments from Schlapp also underscore the hostile environment that women in politics face, where their every move is scrutinized and criticized.

Lydic’s monologue on Tuesday night shed light on the challenges that women in politics face, particularly the double standards and gender bias that they encounter. By using humor and sarcasm, she highlighted the absurdity of criticizing women for their expressions and behavior while also pointing out the underlying sexism behind such criticisms. Lydic’s response to Schlapp’s comments showed her frustration with the unfair expectations placed on women in positions of power and her willingness to push back against such biases. Her message serves as a reminder of the importance of calling out misogyny and holding individuals accountable for their sexist remarks in the public sphere.

The exchange between Lydic and Schlapp also touched on the broader issue of gender inequality and discrimination that still exists in society. Women continue to face barriers and challenges in various sectors, including politics, where they are often subjected to harsh scrutiny and unfair criticism. Lydic’s remarks highlighted the need for greater awareness and action to address these systemic issues and create a more equitable and inclusive society. By speaking out against sexist comments and attitudes, individuals like Lydic can help challenge the status quo and advocate for greater respect and equality for women in all areas of life.

Overall, Desi Lydic’s response to Matt Schlapp’s comments on Hillary Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention highlighted the gender bias and double standards that women in positions of power face. Through humor and satire, she effectively called out the absurdity of criticizing women for their expressions and behavior while also pointing out the underlying sexism behind such criticisms. Lydic’s monologue served as a reminder of the ongoing challenges that women in politics and society at large face, and the importance of speaking out against misogyny and discrimination.

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