Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, a 25-year-old Ecuadorian migrant, was charged with raping a 13-year-old girl in Queens park. Prosecutors alleged that he told cops he recorded the attack in a sickening confession. This admission broke the silence in the court hearing where he faced charges of rape, kidnapping, and other felonies related to the shocking June 13 attack in Kissena Park. Inga-Landi had scratches on his face and scowled throughout the arraignment, where he was ordered to be held without bail until his next court appearance on July 1.

During the court hearing, Assistant District Attorney Kasey Esposito read out a transcript of Inga-Landi’s videotaped statement, revealing new details about the broad-daylight attack. In the video, Inga-Landi admitted that he was nervous at first but then got comfortable and recorded the assault. He claimed he had a drug problem and stumbled upon the two 13-year-old teens having sexual relations in the park. Inga-Landi then threatened the teens with a knife he found at the park, tied them up with a shoelace, stuffed a bandana in the girl’s mouth, and cut off her shorts and underwear before leaving to buy drugs.

Following the assault, a five-day manhunt ensued, ending with a dramatic takedown of Inga-Landi by neighborhood residents who recognized him as the wanted rapist. According to witnesses, when they realized it was Inga-Landi, they swarmed him, tied him up, and called 911 for authorities to apprehend him. The attack in the park had shocked the community, leading to a swift and vigilant response by residents who took matters into their own hands to capture the suspect. Inga-Landi’s chilling videotaped confession provided crucial evidence for the prosecution in the case against him.

The disturbing nature of the attack and the explicit details shared in Inga-Landi’s confession heightened the outrage and concern surrounding the case. The audacity and violence of the crime, coupled with the fact that it was recorded by the perpetrator, added a layer of horror to an already heinous act. The video evidence presented by prosecutors in court painted a vivid picture of the events that transpired in Kissena Park on that fateful day. Inga-Landi’s actions and the impact on the victims underscored the need for justice and accountability in cases of such grave offenses.

As the legal proceedings unfolded, Inga-Landi remained silent and despondent, with his head down in court. The gravity of the charges against him, including rape and kidnapping, weighed heavily on the accused migrant. The community’s response to the crime, from the initial shock to the eventual capture of the suspect, demonstrated a collective effort to ensure that justice was served. The bravery of those who helped apprehend Inga-Landi highlighted the importance of solidarity and vigilance in safeguarding the well-being of all members of society, particularly vulnerable individuals like the young victims in this case. In the quest for justice, the community rallied together to support the victims and seek accountability for the perpetrator, sending a strong message that such acts of violence would not be tolerated.

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