Elon Musk’s interview of former President Donald Trump on the social media platform X was marred by technical glitches at the scheduled start time. Social media users reported difficulty logging on to the event’s livestream platform, with screens freezing and preventing access. Musk attributed the issues to a cyberattack, although this could not be independently verified. The conversation eventually began after an hour of troubleshooting, with over a million people tuning in to listen. Despite the challenges, Musk expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to host Trump on his platform.

The interview was intended to be a conversation between Musk and Trump, giving viewers a glimpse into the former President’s thoughts and opinions. Trump shared a harrowing experience of surviving an attempted assassination in July, where an audience member lost their life at a rally in Butler, Pa. He also delved into his views on various world leaders and international relations, touching on topics such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and his stance on NATO. However, Trump also repeated several unfounded and debunked claims about immigration and crime during the conversation.

The interview was seen as a significant event for the Trump campaign, aiming to reconnect with supporters following a challenging period since President Joe Biden dropped out and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee. Despite the technical glitches that disrupted the event, Trump’s campaign spokesperson praised Musk and Trump for drawing so many people to the platform and “breaking the internet.” The interview’s delay and subsequent issues were reminiscent of a past technical disaster on X during Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign launch announcement.

Musk and Trump’s conversation finally began around 8:45 pm E.T., with Musk expressing his honor at hosting the former President despite the challenges faced. The interview was meant to provide insights into Trump’s personality and thoughts in a more casual setting than his usual public appearances. As the conversation continued, Trump shared personal anecdotes and opinions, reinforcing his familiar rhetoric on various topics. Musk’s platform X experienced a surge in traffic for the event, with users eagerly tuning in to listen to the conversation unfold.

Moving forward, the interview between Musk and Trump on X is a developing story, with updates expected as more information becomes available. The technical glitches and cyberattack that disrupted the event highlighted the challenges of hosting high-profile interviews on livestream platforms. Despite the initial setbacks, Musk and Trump persevered to deliver a conversation that attracted a significant audience and sparked discussion online. The interview served as an opportunity for Trump to share his views and experiences while providing viewers with a unique insight into his personality and perspectives.

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