A new visual art installation created by Benediktas Gylys called “The Portal” has been set up in New York and Dublin, allowing real-time interaction between people on both sides of the Atlantic. The installation consists of a giant screen and video camera in each city, broadcasting a livestream from the portal in the other city. Gylys hopes that this project will help people recognize that they share more in common than what separates them, bringing together individuals who would otherwise never have the chance to meet. The technology behind “The Portal” is similar to webcams and video calls, but allows interaction with strangers rather than people we already know.

Since the installation was set up, it has received 500 million people in just five days, much higher than expected. In Dublin, people have been seen dancing, playing games, and singing songs for their American counterparts through the portal. The connection between the two cities has brought together friends and family members who have been separated, with emotional reactions and tears of joy. However, there have also been reports of inappropriate behavior, such as flashing, mooning, and drug use, leading the Dublin City Council to temporarily close the portal due to these incidents.

Despite the inappropriate behavior, the majority of people interacting with the Dublin portal have been respectful. Gylys plans to set up additional portals in other countries such as Brazil and Ethiopia, providing a sense of connectivity and allowing people to interact with others outside of their social bubbles and interest zones. The project aims to bring people together and foster connections between individuals who may have never had the opportunity to meet otherwise. “The Portal” has sparked curiosity and excitement among those who have used it, offering a unique way to bridge the gap between different cultures and communities.

In New York, individuals have embraced “The Portal” as a way to connect with friends and family across the ocean. Some have waved to loved ones, held up signs, and shared emotional moments through the screen. The installation has created a sense of excitement and wonder, with people describing the experience as simple yet different from traditional video calls. The project has been well-received by those who have used it, highlighting the power of technology to bring people together and create meaningful interactions regardless of physical distance.

Overall, “The Portal” has been a successful and impactful art installation, attracting a large number of visitors and creating memorable moments for participants. Despite some instances of inappropriate behavior, the majority of interactions have been positive and respectful. Gylys’ vision of creating connections between people from different parts of the world is being realized through this project, with plans to expand to other countries in the future. The installation serves as a reminder of the common humanity shared by individuals around the globe, emphasizing the importance of empathy, understanding, and unity in an increasingly interconnected world.

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