Republican Senator Ted Cruz accused Vice President Kamala Harris of working with the president of Mexico to encourage illegal immigration to the U.S. in order to shift the country further left politically. Cruz stated that the Mexican government was providing assistance to human traffickers by offering escorted bus rides for non-Mexico citizens seeking U.S. asylum. This announcement came after the U.S. expanded access to the CBP One application in southern Mexico. Cruz claimed that both Mexican President AMLO and Harris wanted to increase illegal immigration to the U.S. to fundamentally change American policies.

The Mexican government’s decision to facilitate bus rides for migrants from southern Mexico to the U.S. border was seen as an attempt to make applying for asylum easier for migrants. Cruz criticized this move as an effort to increase the number of migrants entering the U.S. and argued that the Democrats, including Harris, wanted to dramatically increase the number of migrants in the country from 11 million to potentially 40 million. He claimed that Democrats saw this influx of migrants as a way to ensure their electoral victories for years to come.

Cruz’s co-host, Ben Ferguson, pointed out that Mexico would not be providing escorted buses to the U.S. border without some level of cooperation and agreement between the two countries. Cruz agreed, stating that Mexico and the U.S. had mutual interests in facilitating the movement of migrants from Mexico to the U.S. Harris’ office did not respond to requests for comment on Cruz’s allegations. The claim that Mexico and Harris were working together to boost illegal immigration to shift U.S. policies leftward sparked controversy and debate among politicians and the public.

Critics of Cruz’s accusations argued that his claims were based on speculation and conspiracy theories rather than concrete evidence. They pointed out that Mexico had its own interests in managing the flow of migrants and that the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border was complex and multifaceted. Some saw Cruz’s allegations as an attempt to deflect attention from other pressing issues or to score political points by appealing to anti-immigration sentiments among his base.

Overall, the controversy surrounding Cruz’s accusations against Harris and Mexico highlighted the ongoing debates and disagreements over immigration policy in the U.S. The issue of illegal immigration and border security has been a contentious topic for many years, with different political factions offering varying solutions and interpretations of the situation. As the Biden administration grapples with the challenges of managing migration flows, voices on both sides of the aisle continue to advocate for their preferred policies and criticize their opponents’ positions.

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